Monday, September 8, 2014

25 Tips To MLM/Network Marketing Business Success

Here are 25 tips to success for anyone who is starting their own MLM/Networking Marketing home business. These simple, easy-to-use tips will help you get your business off to a fast start, and put more money in your pocket.

1. When you first get into your network marketing home based business, write out your plans and goals! I'm sure you've heard it said many times before..."Most people never plan to fail, they simply fail to plan". Take the time to write out your plans and goals. Be realistic, but be tough on yourself. Push yourself. One of my favorite quotes is "What your mind can conceive, it can achieve".

2. Get started immediately. Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you start. That will never happen. Jump in and get started.

3. Treat your mlm/network marketing business as a serious, full-time business, and it will quickly become one.

4. Don't focus your attention on trying to sponsor the "big hitter" who tells you that they are going to bring in 120 people. Sure, it would be nice, but don't get caught up in the hype and emotion. It takes a team effort.

5. Know that rejection will happen. Not everyone is going to want what you have. There are some people that you could put a huge pile of Gold in their front yard, and they would still walk right on by it. Or, they simply will not believe it's Gold. Don't get discouraged. There are literally MILLIONS of people wanting what you have.

6. Follow up! This is the single most important factor to your success. You have probably heard that the fortune is in the follow up. People will rarely call you back, but they will join you if you follow up and show them you care about their needs. Call them and ask how things are going...or at least email them. By following up with everyone, you will sponsor new business partners in your network marketing business.

7. Have patience. Big incomes never happen overnight. And this is especially true if you are also working a full-time job somewhere. It may take you a year or two to obtain your income goal and quit your current job. If you knew that you could be doing your home business full-time in only a year from now...would it be worth the wait?

8. Don't give your new reps wild expectations. Let them know what to expect. Always be honest with them.

9. Realize that your mlm business is going to require an investment. Just like a brick and mortar business, your home business is going to require an investment in marketing supplies and tools. Thankfully, network marketing doesn't require you to take out a 2nd mortgage to operate.

10. Don't let anything knock you out of your home based business and cause you to quit. You can only fail in this business if you give up on yourself.

11. Don't mail out samples and materials to a few people and then expect big checks to suddenly appear. Most likely, it will take you a few months to have a steady income coming in.

12. Help the people you sponsor as much as you can. Help them get started. Help them sponsor their first two people by doing 3-way calls with their prospects. Let them know you're there for them and you support them. Teach your new reps the importance of doing the same. That's how you build a team.

13. Don't do things for your reps that they should do themselves. There is a fine line between being helpful, and doing the entire business for them. Understand your downline is going to do what you do. Lead by example. Do all the things that you want your reps to do. Be sure the example you are setting is one that you would want to follow if you were in their shoes.

14. Don't waste time on cynics, or non-motivated people. They will NOT succeed in this business, or any other business for that matter. Trying to drag someone into your business is only going to drain you of all your energy and beat you down. Let them go and move on.

15. Don't whine and complain to your upline every time you have a problem. No one wants to spend time with constant whiners and complainers.

16. Always operate your business in a professional and ethical manner. Don't make false claims about your mlm / network marketing product, or exaggerate your income. Give your prospects the facts and you will build trust. People can be smarter than you think. Most can sniff out if you're being dishonest quickly. Then you have lost your credibility, as well as your prospect.

17. Learn all that you can about your home based business. Stay up to date with everything that is going on. Learn a little about your competitors so that you can answer simple questions about the differences between them. But don't put them to your prospect, no matter how you feel about them.

18. Think BIG! Think big dreams. Set BIG goals. Small thinking producing small results. Live life without putting limits on yourself.

19. Keep in close contact with your new people you sponsor into your network marketing business. Let them know you care and are there to help. Praise your new people who are doing good things. Always at least send an email to them when they sponsor someone new. Let them know they're doing a great job!

20. Always be ENTHUSIASTIC! Smile when you're on the phone. Enjoy yourself and let others feel your enthusiasm for what you're doing. It quickly becomes contagious.

21. When you discover new ways of building your mlm home business, share them with others on your team. Remember...duplication is the key to success in this business.

22. Keep organized with your business. Have a system in place to keep track of those who are testing your product, or thinking about getting started, even if it's just a notebook to write their names in.

23. Listen to tapes, or read books on network marketing and personal development. It will pay BIG dividends as the months go by. Ask any leader in your business about the importance of personal development and they will all tell you the same thing.

24. Don't allow small problems and rejections that arise throw you off and upset you. Think about the positives, and always keep focused on the big picture.

25. Have FUN! People want to be around others who are having fun, be it in everyday life, or your business. Have fun with your home based business. Enjoy yourself, and watch how many others want to be involved in what you're doing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Forbes Believes MLM Is One Of The Most Significant Solutions For Retirement

 by Tina Williams on September 1, 2014

At some point in your life you’ve been pitched a multi-level marketing (MLM), direct selling, or network marketing business opportunity.  While the pitch varies from company to company, it basically promises a chance to ditch your 9-5 work schedule, be your own boss, and make lots of money while making new friends in the process.
It all sounds good on paper, yet there is a seemingly endless debate over whether these companies and programs are legitimate business opportunities or not, so I dug in and got the real scoop.  As a result, I believe that the entire industry is poised for explosive growth and can be one of the most significant solutions to America’s currentretirement savings crisis.

Initially, that may sound like a bold statement, but it’s not if you understand retirement the way I do.  The reality is, making a successful transition into retirement has more to do with psychology than with money… and the same may hold true for multi-level and network marketing.
Don’t get me wrong, money has a role in retirement, but it’s not the primary one every one gives it.  Combine that concept with eye-opening statistics like AARP’s estimate that half of all baby boomers (76 million) are interested in starting a business and the makings of a massive trend are in place.

As far as the retirement saving crisis is concerned, more and more people are coming to terms with the fact that they probably aren’t going to be able to save enough money to just sit around and slowly deplete their nest egg from age 62 to 100.  With the average 50 year-old estimated to have less than $50,000 in retirement savings, there is an obvious need to find alternative ways to either save more or generate supplemental income starting now, and continuing throughout retirement. Moving beyond just the dollars and cents, boomers are growing tired of feeling guilty or bad about their past savings habits and are interested in moving towards possible solutions.
Another growing reality that could benefit MLM and related businesses is the increasing number of baby boomers who are disenchanted with their current careers.  They’re worn-out from years of the corporate grind and don’t feel the connection between their job and the people it impacts outside their office walls or company grounds.  

They’re shifting their focus from accumulating a giant nest egg to a desire to be part of something bigger and better… to have a positive effect on others… and working in retirement.  Facets of life that can be fulfilled with specific types of products and service available through some MLM or Direct selling opportunities.
MLM and direct selling programs also offer very low barriers into entrepreneurship, often providing training, support, and ample encouragement along the way.  As retirees begin to realize they need activities that keep them busy, relevant, in good health, and connected to others, the time, energy and cost to participate in these kinds of companies make them very appealing to large segments of the population caught up in these dynamics.

This is not a ringing endorsement for the entire industry.  Like any investment of time, money, and energy, people need to be aware of what they are getting into and do their homework.  That’s the primary reasons I began researching the topic by reaching out to regular everyday people involved in these types of businesses and who were willing to skip the hype and offer a transparent view of the programs and give their opinions as to whether this can be a realistic source of retirement income.

I initially spoke to a retired friend who said she joined a health and beauty direct selling company as a means of meeting new people. She had recently remarried and moved to a new location, so she combined the practice of meeting new people with making extra money.  After almost a decade in the business, she’s built a small niche business with family and friends despite switching to from one company to another competitor after three years.
She admits she doesn’t attend all of the company’s local meetings and goal-setting sessions because she’s not interested in becoming a top producer.  She just likes to use the business activity to keep busy (particularly in the winter) and use the extra money she earns to travel and spoil the grand kids.
Having studied the psychology and behavior of boomers, this example represents a major shift in my thinking about the industry.  I no longer perceive these types of opportunities as money-making pyramid schemes.  Instead, I now see it as a way to enhance many of the personal aspects of retirement that are rarely discussed let alone planned for, with the added benefit of supplementing other popular retirement income sources such as pension and social security.

Daria M. Brezinski Ph.D, a practicing psychologist and former marketing director for a multi-level marketing magazine, echoes these sentiments.  “Many people don’t realize that multi-level marketing companies are successful because they help people satisfy a number of important human needs, including feeling significant, having connections, learning something new, and making a difference.  I have heard people in network marketing say again and again, ‘I’m doing this because I’m meeting amazing people … making so many connections … and I feel so good about myself.’”

Dr. Brezinski’s point is well taken and easy to see practiced by popular network marketing companies.  Many MLM and NM companies tout a three-to-five year plan to attain freedom and wealth, yet many of the people running company meetings have been in the business for five or ten years and still haven’t left their full-time job or landed on easy street.  “As it turns out,” Dr. Brezinski notes, “when other human needs are being met, the members and consultants don’t focus solely on the financial aspects.”

Continuing my interviews, I challenged three others who are in the business to be straightforward, and prove to me that the process really works.  What I found was good, consistent business advice applicable to any new business.

Lorene Hochstetler, from Ohio, recommends keeping your current job while slowly making the transition into MLM.  She’s been able to replace her full-time income but explains, “It didn’t happen overnight, and I still work every day.  I am very disciplined with my business and wake up every day knowing what I have to do in order to succeed at this.  You have to treat it like a business and be willing to follow advice from others who have made it.”

Tracy Willard of California began her MLM career out of necessity.  “Prior to getting involved in my business, I told my friends to never let me join one of those things… but when our family was hit by the mortgage crisis I had to do something different.”  She started her business with the intention some retirees may also find themselves.  “I started with the idea that I just needed to make my month easier.  My company helped me figure out what I needed to do in order to make an extra $500 per month.”
She reiterated a common theme I heard throughout the interviews.  “If you treat it like a hobby it won’t pay you like a business.”  She also acknowledged that, in spite of her success, she doesn’t sit around eating bonbons every day waiting for residual checks to hit the mailbox.  “That’s a common misconception,” she said.  “I work hard at my business every day, although it doesn’t always feel like work.  Similar to other entrepreneurs who profit from their passion, she says “It’s rewarding because I found a product that has made in difference in how I look and feel… and I love selling it and helping other people start a business.”
Staci Cahill runs her Washington MLM company in a way many people can appreciate.  She keeps her personal life separate from her business life by avoiding home parties, offering instead workshops that educate prospects on the products she offers.  “I didn’t want to be that person others hid from because they thought I was going to ask them to host a party.  I like to keep my business life and personal life separate.”
When I asked her if she was successful at her craft, she pointed out an MLM approach different from what many might expect.  “Yes, I am very successful given what I wanted to get out of it.  I’m a single mother who used to work 50 hours per week outside the home.  Now I’ve cut it to 20 hours, which is a major upgrade for me and my family.”

As a five-year veteran of MLM, she attributes her success to the fact that, “I switched companies a few years ago once I realized that pots and pans don’t change people lives.  The products I now offer has changed my life and that of others… and I find a lot of value in waking up and going to bed knowing that.”

The interviews and psychological connections lead me to conclude that MLM and NM companies, along with other small businesses opportunities, are important considerations for anyone entering retirement.  In fact, I believe the concept of starting a business for retirement income will become one of the most significant trends impacting retirement in the 21st century.  But it has to start with redefining entrepreneurship and framing it into a retirement lifestyle.  That means helping people find ways to turn a passion, hobby, or personal desire into extra money in their pocket… not to mention helping people see the importance of  planning for the non-financial aspects of retirement such as replacing a work identity, staying relevant and connected, as well as keeping mentally and physically fit.

Something multi-level marketing as well as network marketing companies are poised to capitalize on.  As a result, the industry could soon experience larger than life growth, spurred by baby boomers looking to adjust their retirement feelings and plans.

Starting a business for retirement is a trend I have been noticing, especially since the recent economic plunge. Individuals have realized that having a secure paycheck is no longer the concept it used to be. Corporations no longer offer retirement plans and pensions and little by little health insurance and benefits are slipping away. 
The list of reasons for working for Corporate America is getting shorter and shorter as the risk vs reward sways toward the MLM industry. 

source :

Monday, August 11, 2014

JM Ocean Avenue , how to enroll in the business and international markets

JM Ocean Avenue is a great company , lately opened many new countries for business .

At the moment you can enroll to become a new JM Ocean Avenue distributor trough our website
 for these countries :

Use this link to do this !

 If you are from one of these countries instead :

JM Ocean Avenue Italy                                            
JM Ocean Avenue Taiwan
 JM Ocean Avenue Korea
JM Ocean Avenue Timor-Leste
JM Ocean Avenue PNG (Papua new Guinea)
JM Ocean Avenue UAE (Dubai)
JM Ocean Avenue UK
JM Ocean Avenue Malaysia
JM Ocean Avenue Thailand
JM Ocean Avenue Vietnam
JM Ocean Avenue Cambodia
JM Ocean Avenue Cameroon
JM Ocean Avenue Sénégal
JM Ocean Avenue Togo
JM Ocean Avenue Ivory Coast
JM Ocean Avenue Venezuela
JM Ocean Avenue Colombia
JM Ocean Avenue Ecuador
JM Ocean Avenue Peru



Monday, July 14, 2014

JM Ocean Avenue AlphaSpin , a powerful holistic wellness tool


AlphaSpin is a powerful holistic wellness tool made in Germany and is infused with Proprietary Spinning Frequency that produces a powerful resonance capable of transferring spinning energy so that a quantum energy field is established. AlphaSpin is used to harmonize harmful effects of Electromagnetic Frequencies

Radiations in your surrounding and for other wellness benefits.
The environment we are now living in is bombarded daily by Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) and toxic pollutants. EMFs originate from power lines and telecommunications technologies such as cell phones, WiFi, and microwaves. Research and scientific studies have also shown negative health impacts from cell phones and WiFi.

By placing the AlphaSpin in the car, at work, home or carrying it with you in transit, creates a quantum energy field that has been known to harmonize harmful effects of EMFs. It has been known to enhance immunity, concentration, and energy levels for optimal performance at home and at work. It has been known to promote calmness, and reduce stress, thus improving an overall sense of well-being.
The resonance and vibration of spinning frequencies of the AlphaSpin is transferred through water, light or air. It is believed that the natural resonance of AlphaSpin is similar to that found in many water springs around the world, including Bama, an internationally recognized longevity village in China. AlphaSpin brings Bama to you by optimizing the natural frequency, stimulating vital life energy, and increasing harmony in body and mind.

By pouring water through AlphaSpin, the molecular structure will create smaller clusters for easy penetration and absorption.

The AlphaSpin fully optimizes the body’s molecular and cellular functions via resonance and the formation of a vortex that results in the expression of a quantum energy field. The quantum energy field exerts its effect in the water content of an organism, reminding the body of its own self-healing capability. In this way the body responds by generating a state of wellness and health that is sustainable.
AlphaSpin has been shown to:
  • Create a natural quantum engery field.
  • Harmonize your living environment surrounded by EMFs such as WiFi, cell phone radiations, etc.
  • Generate hexagonal water clusters.
  • Improve absorptions and increase hydrations.
  • Improve micro circulation.
  • Be used as a Reflexology frequency tool to facilitate the flow of energy.
  • Improve plant growth and seed germination.
  • Extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables.
  • Use in conjunction with a humidifier or air purifier to improve the quality of air.
  • Increase the absorption of face and body creams.
  • Reduce wrinkles by hydrating the skin and activating collagen and elastin.

Monday, July 7, 2014

JM Ocean Avenue's 2 minute miracle gel

Buy   Buy now !
Apply for a guided tour on distributorship 

If you live in US and you are really interested , contact me trough the form on the right , and i will arrange to send you some free samples .