Last week I was one of about a dozen top leaders flown into JM Ocean
Avenue (JMOA) corporate headquarters for a 2-day leadership summit.
Since the merger on 6/5 between JMI and Ocean Avenue there have been a
number of typical bumps and issues that have come up. This was of course
somewhat expected given the fact the company would be upgrading its
compensation plan, installing new back office software, and expanding
into more than 20 new countries simultaneously. Thus the meeting allowed
corporate to update us on the status of various issues… but much more
than that… it provided an opportunity for the new management team to lay
out the company’s vision an invite us to directly participate in the
planning and execution of it.
In almost 2 decades of dealing with direct sales companies and
executives at a corporate level… (from the objective perspective of
servicing distributors via Veretekk rather than promoting business
opportunities myself)… I can state unequivocally that this company is
going to stun the industry with its performance and growth. The
culmination of events is so incredibly rare… and opens up a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that literally anyone can capitalize on
who is paying attention.
wealth will be created for thousands of people in the coming months
alone. And the systems and advantages made available to our group make
it possible for you to be part of something that people will talk about
Don’t take my word for it.
If you know me… or are one of Veretekk’s 100,000′s of active
subscribers… or perhaps a founding member of MarketHive… then you know I
value INTEGRITY about all else. This is why over the years each time
some new company launches, scores of you contact me for advise and
perspective. And you also know that I have never gone out on a limb to
fully endorse or recommend any business because frankly… I am unwilling
to put my reputation in the hands of company executives who I’m not 100%
confident in or businesses with questionable “opportunities” for people
I care about.
Back in April when JMOA (pre-merger) flew me down for an initial
meeting I was extremely impressed. But after this past week, spending
time with the new management team, hearing their vision, and
contributing to its execution… it’s no longer a case where anyone need
to take my word for it. JMOA will eclipse the market and all
competitors… and the business case for that claim is vividly clear:

1) Explosive Product
You can dress up a business opportunity with smoke a mirrors and
promote an exciting compensation plan, or tout how great the company is,
or how easy it’s going to be to succeed… but in the end it’s all about
the PRODUCT. Over the years I’ve seen just about every type of product
or service imaginable come and go from this industry. Many of them are
very good products (perhaps you are marketing one right now?) But in all
those years I have NEVER seen a product like the 2 Minute Miracle Gel
which can claim the following:
- Works 100% of the time.
- Works on 100% of people.
- Takes just 2 minutes to see the result.
- Has a true “wow factor”.
As a result the response from people is immediate and overwhelmingly
positive. No need to “try this product for 60 days” before someone can
even form an opinion! But for those of us interested in developing a
huge business and income… the advantages are as obvious as they are
After 18 years of
involvement in this industry I have never seen a product that can offer
such huge potential for rapid massive growth!
In fact… while I can’t name names… I am aware of several TOP
COMPANIES in the industry that have expressed strong interest in
acquiring the rights to the 2 Minute Miracle. They are all badly in need
of the next “new thing” and are frankly TERRIFIED of the competition
they are about to face as JMOA lifts off.

2) Ground Floor Timing
We’ve all heard various “get in now… on the ground floor” types of
claims. But what it is that’s so appealing about this ground floor? Why
do people promote that as being such a big deal? Simple… because if you
were one of the initial investors in Apple or Microsoft… or were one of
the first distributors in Amway, Avon, Herbalife, or Mary Kay then you
would would have positioned yourself in front of a wave of growth so
massive that your simple involvement with the business would have swept
you up allowing you to create massive wealth just for being at the right
place at the right time.
So the concept of “getting in early” is real. The problem with
start-up companies is that the RISK is also very real. Many if not most
go out of business and fail within 2 years. The reasons for this vary
but are almost always tied in some way to running out of money. But with
JMOA you have a “start up” company backed by owners with more than $2
billion in annual sales. Liquidity is of no concern here!
Ocean Avenue is gone… JM Ocean Avenue is literally a brand new
company, flush with capital, opening into 20+ markets, with the most
sought after product in the industry.
Now that’s a ground floor, start up opportunity you want to be a part of!

3) Highest Paying Compensation Plan
You hear a lot of claims by companies about their comp plans… Well
JMOA has thrown down the gauntlet and has… bar none… the largest payout
of ANY COMPANY IN THE INDUSTRY. The numbers are easily demonstrated…
pick any other company and it’s comp plan will pale severely in
comparison. I have seen the detailed numbers and analysis and that’s the
bottom line.
Why? Because JMOA can afford to do it. They know what they are
sitting on. They know they have the industry’s best product. It is
almost a badge of honor to say they also want to definitively offer the
world’s most lucrative compensation plan.
They know that the combination with crush competitors and empower millions of distributors.

4) Vacation Club
Beyond the comp plan and financial opportunity, the Vacation Club is a
HUGE part of this company’s culture. As you grow your business you will
also be automatically accumulating “vacation points” (which add up
extremely fast due to group/team volume and special multipliers for
anyone working at all). You can then redeem them to go on world class
vacations at 5 star resorts around the globe. Most people struggle to
even just take an average vacation each year… now imagine being able to
take your family to some of the most extraordinary destinations in the
world as a side benefit to growing your business and making a ton of
But here’s the kicker… IT IS TOTALLY PAID FOR. Not just the
all-inclusive 5 star resort, meals, alcohol, and entertainment… but your
airfare as well. But not just for you – this is for you, your spouse
and 2 children ALL FULLY PAID!!!
This is a company with “family values” literally woven into the
fabric of its culture. These are not trips where you go and sit in
business seminars all day. These are fun, carefree vacations where
you’re surrounded with other like-minded and successful people… while
kids are running around giggling and adults having just as much fun!
Don’t have kids, or are not married? Then bring 3 of your best friends!
There are people who are going to grow a JMOA business purly because of the Vacation Club.
Entire companies have been created around this one concept… and yet
with JMOA you get the most amazing vacations as a basic side effect of
the business itself.

5) Corporate Leadership
This is a company with a extremely credible and experienced executive team.
goal of JMOA is to literally become the largest direct sales company in
the world in the coming years, eclipsing Amway and all other companies
in annual sales. The goal could not be higher… But for anyone scoffs at it, stop and consider the formidable executive team in place to do it.
Joe Zhou is the Chairman of JMOA. He created JMI and took it from
nothing to more than $2 billion in annual sales in just 6 YEARS. He
clearly understands the industry and market in a way few others do and
has proven the ability to select and empower incredible talent to run
his businesses.
Tim Richardson (CEO) was appointed to take over shortly after the
June merger was official. Tim is experienced at running fortune 500
level companies. His track record is spotless, and his expertise in
developing fully global companies is tough to match. He is well
connected to major players through the industry and brings heavy
experience in capitalization, global distribution, and executive
Josh Higginbotham and Camaron Corr (VP’s Sales, Marketing, Systems,
and Training) have proven experience and results from years in the field
in direct sales. Frequent 6-figure monthly earners in other companies
having developed sales organizations with 100,000′s of distributors,
they have a very firm grasp on the “systems” needed to allow simple
actions to duplicate causing a company to absolutely explode.
This is not a management team that’s been created based on “who
someone knew” or perhaps who just happened to live in the area. This is a
hand selected team from the best in the entire industry. Few direct
sales companies can claim such competence (including some in the top 10

6) Truly “Global” Business
Lots of companies claim to be “global” but few really are. When you
look closely many are simply licensed to sell in a couple countries and
feel that qualifies them to use the term. Others are “technically”
approved to do business in say 10 countries but in reality have
virtually no sales volume occurring in them and thus a very weak
corporate presence (if any) on the ground in each market. Then there are
the distribution and logistics problems… as well as certain aspects of
the comp plan or special promotions only available to certain markets.
Everyone else is cut out. How global is that?
When JMOA says it’s a global company… it really is. There is a full
management team (regional president down to customer service) in EACH of
the different country markets, all of whom report to the CEO. Each
market has its own offices (and these are extremely impressive 5 star
set-ups… you can be positive that anyone you send there will be blown
away). But more than its physical presence and local management teams,
EVERYTHING about the company is designed to be global. That means a
global compensation plan (no “North America Only” components or promos).
Even the Vacation Club is going global.
In today’s world even if you don’t know people in other countries
yourself… people in your downline will. Advances in technology, the
Internet, and social media have made the world very small. People in
other markets have been frustrated for years about the lack of access
and opportunity to businesses that truly are global. In the first month
after the JMOA merger roughly 300,000 new distributors enrolled in
international markets. And that is just the beginning…

7) Leveraged Technology
As someone coming from the world of internet marketing I can tell you
first hand how millions of distributors have been utterly frustrated
with the fact that NO COMPANY in the industry has of yet fully embraced
and leveraged the technology available. Many companies still have
policies preventing people from even marketing online or using systems
as simple as eBay… unbelievable! (but very very true).
JMOA really gets it… and is implementing a series of powerful systems
that have never put together this way. Systems that fundamentally
change the old MLM approach of, Step 1: Create your list… Step 2: Call
your prospects, etc. By fully leveraging mobile tech and other tools
JMOA distributors will build businesses in ways other companies don’t
even understand. Empowering new people with hyper-duplicable processes
allows them to be exploding their business and making money their first
week… before they even understand how anything works!
But that’s just the beginning. The company has a solid understanding
of social networking systems and understands how to help distributors
leverage them. Where other companies just encourage people to go
“promote” their business on social sites, JMOA understands that people
simply rushing out there and “throwing up” everything on people is
actually counterproductive. Instead they are developing systems to
provide people with valuable, unique content they can use in their
Facebook post, Tweets, etc. Material proven to open up dialog and
interest rather than just pitch some new deal.
As for Internet policy… I have been very vocal with my concerns.
“Internet Use Policy” has been a festering issue in this industry for
years. But as a testament to the company’s desire to directly involve
and welcome contributions from the field, I’ve been asked to personally
draft the company’s Internet use policy! Of course it will go through
several rounds of revision and legal approval, but it provides direct
evidence of the respect held by the company for leadership in the field
and expertise we also bring to the table.

8) Personal Improvement
The personal development/self improvement industry has a natural fit
with the direct sales/network marketing industry. People with home based
businesses are very often the same ones interested in personal growth
as well as financial and professional growth. But for the first time in
history, JMOA is actually incorporating these concepts right into the
business itself.
It’s important for someone to know what really motivates them… to
know what values are most important in their lives… and to continually
internalize the positive approach that goes into being successful. This
is not some “ra-ra” tell yourself in the mirror how great you are type
of thing… This is a deeply scientific and effective series of exercises
that are being woven into the very culture and identity of JMOA. From
day 1 new people will feel very different about their lives and the
positive emotion they get from their business.
There will be many people who join this business purely for this cultural aspect as it does not exist anywhere else.
The bottom line is simple. This is your chance to be part of a
ground floor opportunity that is going to absolutely shake the
foundation of this industry.
If you have been following these developments or have read this
article it means you are faced with a serious delima. YOU DO NOT WANT TO
That’s not to say you should rush out and enroll without thinking or doing your homework. Contact me (406-370-1233 or skype
and I can point you to additional details and information. But now that
you know… the ball is in your court to do something about it. I can
honestly say (and I direct this to the many 1,000′s of you I met over
the years through Veretekk and have watched struggle in your businesses)
that you will most likely never come across a business opportunity of
this magnitude again. I’ve been watching closely for just shy of 20
years now… and have never seen anything come close.
Here’s to the journey!

Michael Darling
Original source : http://www.mikedarling.com/jm-ocean-avenue/#respond