Showing posts with label markethive coin cardano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label markethive coin cardano. Show all posts

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Markethive | Evolving Technology Challenges The Status Quo



Evolution is the operative word poignant to every living thing and inanimate object on the planet. One of the fastest evolving elements I’ve seen in my lifetime is in the field of technology. We’ve seen more growth and emergence in technology in the last 100 years than in all the centuries leading up to today, and it’s accelerating. It has undoubtedly created a faster pace, more convenient, and comfortable lifestyle. The one thing that is still around is the age-old oligarchal type monopolies, wielding their clout, but for how long? 

Digital technology stems from divine inspiration. When used correctly for the betterment of humanity, it is a beautiful thing; however, we’ve all been subject to nefarious activity driven by greed, power, and control. Like everything else, technology must evolve, or it becomes obsolete eventually. The issues that have manifested and become problematic give rise to emerging technologies to counter them. 

Since the dawn of the internet, we have seen a consistent evolution in technology. One example is Yahoo back in 1994, providing a web portal, search engine with related services including email, finance, video sharing, etc. Then the MySpace social network came on the scene in 2005, surpassing Yahoo and even Google in 2006. But in 2009, MySpace was overtaken by Facebook globally.          

Falling From Grace

Complacency or the attitude of “too big to fail” can often be the demise of a successful organization. Ongoing research and development is a must to stay at the forefront. I also believe a company’s values, ethics, and purpose for the higher good play a prominent role, especially in the current circumstances being experienced worldwide. 

Many may think that Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and a few others are here to stay as they have a dominant position in the market; however, it’ll be because they improve technology and evolve if they remain. Being number one in the market is not automatic, nor is it free. It takes money to develop technologies along with marketing to retain users. 

That might seem doable for these tech giants, but what of their underlying agendas and motivations? Can or will a conglomerate evolve spiritually and humanistically? Or have they fallen into the ego trap giving them a false sense of security? Will they survive in a world of enlightened human beings? 

History tells us that competitors, at some level, can overtake large organizations, and now it is more critical than ever that people feel safe, secure, and free from the violations that have become so commonplace in the online space. Evolution on every level is the key to survival in the world of digital technologies. Evolution is not static; it is a dynamic process. 

Evolution in the technological world is fast becoming a revolution; A battle between good and evil, a tug of war between humility and ego drive. It may have been enough to surpass the top dog with only better technology in the past, but now it’s crunch time. The advent of the third millennium gives rise to the evolution of the human spirit, and altruistic motives need to be present in the next tech giant. 

Getting back to the technology side of things, users also desire the best in available technology. In the context of the digital world, people expect everything to happen in seconds and be very cheap, if not completely free. There’s also the need to have fewer entrance barriers, the better. It must be readily available, reliable, and user-friendly, and now we can add privacy, autonomy, and free speech to the list of needs that are fundamental human rights. 

The status quo of social and digital media, even marketing platforms, leaves a lot to be desired. Can they evolve in order to keep their top position? Are they in too deep and unable or unwilling to implement emerging technologies such as decentralized blockchain? 

Ecosystems Are Evolutionary

Evolution is a must and a natural process, and it’s no different when it comes to digital media. A few attempts have been made at creating an alternative to the tech giants that currently monopolize the online environment with cancel culture being the new order. We presently see a balkanization with many linear platforms in the mix. 

Just as the planet is an entire and complete ecosystem, we are now experiencing ecosystems in technology. This is an evolution in itself and is required if a platform is to be sustainable. Blockchain and crypto technology has made it possible for an innovative company or platform to develop a system from the ground up, which will solve many controversial issues plaguing social media today. 

At the forefront is Markethive, a complete ecosystem for the online user, be it social, professional, inbound marketing, commercial, artistic, or entrepreneurs from all walks of life, where every individual is empowered financially, professionally, and personally. 

Markethive, the Social Market Broadcasting Network, is constantly evolving, providing creative solutions and a sanctuary from the chaos of the internet. Blockchain technology has made it possible for Markethive to become the first completely decentralized social network, giving it the edge over technologies and systems of previous generations, including humanitarian values so desperately needed right now.      

The Evolution of Money

Paper money and coins are not the only money we use today. Money has evolved into a digital form using internet banking for transferring money and credit or debit cards. More and more people are using the internet for their banking needs. 

The banks are notorious for working at a snail’s pace and are not the best information technology innovators, so they evolve slowly. The trust factor has also become precarious. This has brought forth an evolution in decentralized blockchain technology that has a real potential to disrupt traditional banking, digital or otherwise.  

Cryptocurrency technologies can disrupt financial services, with the probability of becoming money and a store of value. Further technical development and evolution will see this happen to rival legacy banking and fiat currency with its hyperinflation. 

From a technological standpoint, money needs to evolve. The development of technologies needs to be a dynamic process, but the monetary base can and should be static. That means assets used as a store of value necessitate a fixed or predictable number of units. A predictable inflation rate is required with money when used as units of account and means of exchange. The inflation rate should be kept very low, and theoretically, it could even be at zero. 


Cryptocurrency Evolution 

Cryptocurrency technology must continue to evolve to become a viable alternative to traditional banking. There are now thousands of altcoins in the crypto space, many created by opportunists jumping on the bandwagon with no real purpose. They generate a coin for the sake of a coin with nothing substantial underpinning it. The outcome is a static one gaining no real value because their utility is limited or non-existent due to lack of development and foresight. 

Even Bitcoin has not evolved. Its progress in technology is plodding. Although we see much more awareness within the community now, even institutions invest in Bitcoin; it has its drawbacks and issues. It is not as decentralized as many think or expect. The PoW (Proof of Work) team behind Bitcoin is at odds with each other when issues arise. This stunts growth and evolution. 

However, Bitcoin is becoming an established store of value, and people are reluctant to tamper with it for fear of breaking anything. So it sits there, recognized as being the first crypto, allowing others to evolve, addressing the problems, finding solutions, and making it an all-around better experience for users. 

Bitcoin doesn’t have smart contracts and probably never will have. Ethereum came out with a smart contract protocol that is now experiencing bugs and human error in their PoW system. People have lost money as it has severe security issues and now very high gas (transaction) fees. 

The smart contract concept is very sound but needs to evolve and be better executed. Ethereum has realized this and declared it would integrate a PoS protocol. This is a huge undertaking and will take time, so of course, no timeline has been given as yet, to when this will take place. 

Bitcoin and Ethereum are not the be-all and end-all of cryptocurrency and smart contracts; it’s just the beginning. Evolution is in full swing with Cardano, having identified the issues that have manifested, working methodically, scientifically, and philosophically to create a fully decentralized blockchain PoS (Proof of Stake) platform and also become a better alternative to traditional banks or make them more fair and transparent.   

The Evolution Of Decentralization

But it’s not only about smart contracts. It’s also about the evolution of the quality of decentralization. Blockchain is the technology; decentralization is the movement. Relying on the PoW protocol is becoming doubtful and expensive! PoS allows for a more decentralized and scalable network. 

Let’s be honest. The current most extensive networks Bitcoin and Ethereum have costly fees. Expensive fees kill the usability of networks. Maybe it’s tolerable to pay a high fee when you use Bitcoin as a store of value and only make one transaction a month. We need to be able to afford to transact anytime, all the time, if we want a proper global payment system. 

Just the other day, I sent $10 worth of Bitcoin and paid more than double that in fees! We can have a global decentralized network with cheap and fast transactions. It is a natural evolution of technologies: no magic, just pure math and science.

Cardano can be thought of as a kind of insurance that can and is building a fully decentralized, stable, and scalable network regardless of what will happen with Bitcoin.
What About The Environment?
How much thought has gone into the impact on the global environment? We see the environmental impact of PoW (Proof of Work) like Bitcoin and other altcoins that use this model which consumes massive amounts of electricity. 

Why? Because this type of consensus mechanism needs an excessive amount of computational power with hardware devices that are expensive to buy and more expensive to run. The cryptographic algorithm that the miners must solve is complicated, and the power consumption used by Bitcoin recently estimated is more than that of the whole of Argentina. 

And what type of electricity are they using? Will they continue with fossil fuels, or will they commandeer renewable energy resources? Either way, it leads to unfathomable repercussions. 


According to this site, a single transaction of bitcoin has the same carbon footprint as 680,000 Visa transactions or 51,210 hours of watching YouTube.

Not only is PoW considered unhealthy for the environment, but it also slows down the rate of cryptocurrency adoption in the real world, as electricity bills can only be paid with fiat currency. There are also scalability issues as Bitcoin can only process seven transactions per second, and Ethereum comes in second place, transacting at only fifteen.

Bitcoin advocates have clearly expressed that they believe any environmental costs induced by mining Bitcoin via PoW are worth the broader implications it could have on society. Evolution in technology will prove there does not need to be any type of trade-off between cryptocurrency and the environment. 

This is where the PoS (Proof of Stake) method comes into play. The cost-effectiveness is extensive compared with PoW. It guarantees that much less electricity is used to mine cryptocurrency and verify transactions. 

Furthermore, the speed and number of transactions (scalability) increase thousandfold making it a far better option for mainstream adoption. The Cardano blockchain platform has effectively solved the three elements of the scalability issue: Throughput (Transactions per second), Network, and Data scaling. 

Markethive, now deploying the Cardano blockchain ecosystem, also plans to establish many mining hives distributed globally. This will create a massive surplus in electricity and be built on 100% green energy that supports the core distributed decentralized data-based systems using dWave computers, which utilizes the advanced theoretical technology of multiple parallel universes. 


Centralization Issues

These powerful computational devices are known as ASICs and have resulted in centralized organizations pooling their resources to buy thousands of devices that generate the highest mining power to more efficiently solve the cryptographic sum first (confirms and validates transactions). The winner gets a reward paid in Bitcoin.

The PoW system has proven to be unfair as the average individual has no chance of ever participating or competing to win the mining reward. The PoS (Proof of Stake) model prevents groups of people from joining forces to dominate the network. 

The Proof of Stake system essentially allows the community to contribute by buying any number of coins (although there is usually a minimum required) and holding them in a dedicated wallet. It freezes the coins where they are used to stake the network. PoS still uses a cryptographic algorithm; however, it uses a different process to confirm transactions and reach consensus.

The PoW model requires all of its miners to solve a complex equation, and the winner is usually the person or group with the most powerful and quantity of hardware. The PoS model randomly chooses the winner based on the amount they have staked. There are no block rewards; however, they get paid the transaction fee, which is determined by how much they’ve staked.

With PoS, there is no need for expensive hardware or high electricity costs. It’s proven to be faster, and you can simply mine from a typical laptop. So, of course, this negates any centralization issues making it a more fair and equitable system for all.  


The Beauty Of Evolution 

In its purest essence, technological evolution is brought about by innovative ideas and creative visions sourced from divine consciousness. It needs to improve on the current status quo, enhancing the lives of all humanity on every level. 

The first mover doesn’t necessarily secure its top spot in the marketplace, nor is it the best. Companies with foresight can learn from their predecessors’ mistakes combined with a culture of goodwill, can go far in succeeding for the company and the people they serve.  

As I mentioned earlier, this millennium brings to light the humanitarian, spiritual element. Unlike the industrial age, it’s not just about business and the bottom line; it’s about the development and well-being of the community holistically and cohesively. It is the era of love and peace. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.


Friday, February 26, 2021

Markethive Coin ( MHV ) Migrating to Cardano Blockchain


Cardano Blockchain To Take The Lead In Scalability With Hydra -

The Migration Begins...

Cardano Blockchain - The Fastest System On Earth

As a follow-up to my last two articles explaining, Cardano is a 3rd generation blockchain that started as a project in 2015 and launched in 2017, focusing on three elements. Cardano has made great strides since then. The team’s aspirations are now coming to fruition in 2021, solving some critical problems, one being scalability, which has become very apparent with the 1st generation, Bitcoin, and 2nd generation blockchain, Ethereum, in the last five years. 

Cardano’s key features are the academic and scientific philosophy behind it. The team consisting of engineers, mathematicians, scientists, and business professionals has published over 90 whitepapers for the technology. With a well-defined roadmap, the Cardano network is known for its ingrained security, scalability, and interoperability. 

Previous generation blockchains suffer from bottlenecks that essentially limit the amount of throughput they can handle. Proof of this can be seen in the fluctuating BTC and ETH transaction times over the years, making them an inefficient choice for global-scale mass use. 

When the Cardano blockchain was first tested in 2017, it could process around 257 transactions per second (TPS). To put that into perspective, today, Bitcoin can only process 7 TPS and Ethereum a little higher at 25 TPS. 

Cardano is built and a comparison to VISA as a competitor and a theoretical goalpost. Currently, VISA’s transactions per second are approximately 2,000 TPS which is unreachable in the blockchain world. Particularly with Proof of Work protocols that can only reach into the tens. Proof of Stake (POS) networks can deliver a few hundred. However, with the introduction of Cardano’s Ouroboros Hydra solution, it is now looking at more than 1 million TPS.

With this new groundbreaking technology in PoS scalability, the Hydra, the Cardano blockchain can become a real alternative to current fiat currency and payment systems for their Native ADA token and other altcoins and ecosystems with all the necessary building blocks to be a potent fintech disruptor. 


The body of Hydra is like the mainchain. Hydra can have more heads. Every head can process 1,000 TPS.


What is Cardano's Hydra? 

Founder of Cardano, Charles Hoskinson, explained in the video below recorded in March 2020 that Hydra is a Layer 2 scaling solution implemented over Cardano's Proof of Stake protocol while fitting "very well with the Pool staking model.” It implements state channels that enable the fast processing of payments and smart contracts beyond the blockchain (off-chain). 

Simulations have shown that each "Hydra head" can currently process about 1,000 transactions per second (TPS). With 1,000 stacking pools, each of which processes 1,000 TPS, Cardano could achieve a throughput of up to one million transactions per second.

Hoskinson further emphasized that each "Hydra head" will reach the so-called "Fast Finality,” which means that the irreversibility of a transaction can be done almost in real-time, as commonly used in a Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) protocol. Thanks to the "Fast Finality" and the high transaction speed, even micro-transactions will become possible. 

Hoskinson also said.

“A serious disadvantage present in current layer-two state channel protocols is that existing layer-one smart contract infrastructure and contract code cannot be reused off-chain without change. In this paper, we introduce Hydra, an isomorphic multi-party state channel. Hydra simplifies off-chain protocol and contract development by directly adopting the layer-one smart contract system. We present the onchain contracts to open and close Hydra heads (our isomorphic state channels) and a novel off-chain protocol for the fast evolution of heads.”


Put more simply, data from the blockchain is loaded into Hydra, and participants can make transactions or run smart contracts in the Hydra. Once their job is finished, they close the Hydra, and the final state is updated in the blockchain. As multiple hydra ‘heads’ can be created, it allows fast and cheap parallel processing.

Hydra will enable high scalability, which is imperative for greater adoption of cryptocurrencies, not just for faster transactions; Hydra can also execute smart contracts so developers can easily build Dapps and utilize micropayments, voting, among other things. Hydra will ensure low latency and minimal storage of data per node.

For a more in-depth look at Cardano’s solution to scalability and Hydra, read this blog by


Reduced Power And Fees - Increased Security 

Cardano’s PoS consensus mechanism, called Ouroboros, also reduces energy cost compared to PoW. It also provides provable security guarantees with transactions and seamless execution of smart contracts with Hydra’s Extended-UTxO model.

With the current setup of Ethereum (PoW) and Cardano (PoS), Cardano appears much more robust than Ethereum in terms of TPS. Ethereum also lags due to its problems with expensive gas fees when it comes to transaction costs.

The recent bull runs resulted in ETH and other Ethereum blockchain tokens experiencing extremely high gas (transaction) fees due to network congestion, therefore discouraging retail investors from being involved. 


Comparison Chart between Cardano Native Tokens and Ethereum ERC-20


Cardano Native Token Design Distinction - A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

The Goguen Era, just one of the many phases of the Cardano roadmap, is set to launch in March 2021 allows more comprehensive interoperability with existing smart contracts, regardless of the different coding language used to develop them initially. Goguen enables smart contracts to be written in different languages, whereas Ethereum smart contracts use Solidity only. 

Cardano also applied the Goguen native token upgrade, known as the Mary upgrade, to Cardano’s testnet, which transforms the blockchain into a multi-asset network similar to Ethereum. Still, design differences set it apart, which opens up various and differing business use-cases with high-scale enterprises.

With the well-thought-out and tested infrastructure, Cardano is poised to capture a diverse and completely different market share than Ethereum; areas such as national-level identity solutions, back-end financial infrastructure, and robust enterprise use cases like decentralized social media.

A significant difference is that there are no execution fees charged to the user in conjunction with a token smart contract on Ethereum. (Gas fees) 

Smart contracts on Ethereum are also vulnerable to human error, fraud, and other risks associated with Ethereum design protocols that require conversion between the two layers. The two layers’ scripting language is significantly different, and Solidity cannot work with the second layer, so conversion is necessary. 

Native Tokens on Cardano are forged on-chain with both layers using the same scripting system, so no conversion is needed. The opportunity to siphon funds through a smart contract is eliminated.


Hinrich Pfeifer of the Cardano Foundation said,

“User-defined native tokens on Cardano use the same underlying token logic as the Cardano blockchain itself. Cardano’s scripting language does not have fixed-size integers, and the ledger itself tracks token movements and handles the token logic.”

In other words, according to Charles Hoskinson, organizations with cryptocurrency assets are treated as first-class citizens; they are treated the same way as Cardano treats ADA, their own crypto, whereas, in Ethereum, you’re a second-class citizen. ETHER is treated differently from smart contacts. 

This first-class citizen approach means your assets will have the same governance access, layer two portfolio access, and the same infrastructure that ADA itself has. Also, more effortless listing experiences, more comfortable wallet experience, better user experience, faster transactions, lower transaction costs, and the list goes on.   

VukaĊĦin Vukoje, demonstrating the ERC-20 converter, showing options for converting BAT, DAI, AGI, USDC, and USDT.Source: Cardano Development October 2020 Update 


Migration To The Cardano Blockchain Begins 

Cardano’s ERC-20 converter’s introduction facilitates the transfer of tokens from the Ethereum network to the Cardano network, which encourages ERC-20 projects to port over to Cardano. In October of 2020, on the Cardano Development Show, the broadcast included the ERC-20 converter demonstrating the conversion of stablecoins DAI, USDC, and USDT, along with AGI and BAT. 

Artificial Intelligence firm SingularityNET with its AGI token, announced it is moving to Cardano. Previously, SingularityNET operated exclusively on the Ethereum blockchain. Reportedly, many have taken the news as a significant blow for Ethereum stakeholders.

The next tech social media, marketing, and broadcasting giant, Markethive, has also moved to the Cardano blockchain from Ethereum. The Markethive Coin, MHV, about to be launched on principled exchanges, is now a Native token on Cardano’s isomorphic multiparty state system instead of an ERC-20. 

Given the enormous transaction activity and data involved, along with the ILP assets in Markethive, it makes perfect sense to migrate to a completely decentralized system that will handle throughput, stability, and interoperability with ease.    

CEO and Founder of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast, says,

“The MHV coin was originally produced (8,888,888,888) according to the ERC20 guidelines from Ethereum about 1.5 years ago. The coin in Markethive has been kept in Markethive operating separate from the ERC20 on our own paper blockchain until we released the wallet. Recent trends have revealed the ERC20’s security risks, privacy risks, and even worse, the cost to transact (gas) has skyrocketed.

As we determined that the ERC20 was not for us and before we opened up to the exchanges as an ERC20, we decided to find other options. This was several months ago, and at the same time, our friend Charles Hoskinson the founder of Cardano released his final version from BETA, and perfect timing for us. 

After contacting him, CTO of Markethive, Douglas Yates, determined that to convert to Cardano was the perfect decision, and so this now opens the door for us to launch onto the exchanges as a Cardano-based Markethive coin.”

This is excellent news for Markethive; It means much smaller transaction fees, greater security, faster application speeds. It means our entire system will be stronger, quicker, and secure.


Cardano’s Terminology Of Native Tokens 

The terms 'coin' and 'token' are often used in the crypto world. Sometimes, these terms are interchangeable, sometimes not. A 'token' can also be a type of umbrella term that encompasses all digital assets.

It is worth noting that Cardano's approach to tokenization is as unique as the ledger itself, so here's some terminology to help understand Cardano’s native tokens framework.

In Goguen/Cardano:

  • A token is defined as the representation of an asset stored on the Cardano blockchain.
  • An asset is anything that can be quantified.
  • A token bundle is a representation of multiple tokens.
  • Native refers to token logic running on the Cardano ledger rather than using smart contracts.

Native tokens on Cardano

Ethereum requires custom code for user-defined tokens to be supported on the chain. It adds a layer of complexity, cost (gas is needed to pay for the execution of the code), and inefficiency since token code for both standards is replicated and adapted, rather than part of the system itself. 

This is an inherent weakness of the Ethereum chain because it leaves room for human error. Custom code, if done carelessly, can introduce bugs that could potentially lead to significant financial loss. In one particularly infamous incident, software bugs led to the loss of ether worth $300m. The Cardano approach aims to prevent such catastrophic errors.

Cardano supports user-defined tokens natively, without the need for custom code, through the native tokens framework. Native tokens is an accounting system defined as part of the cryptocurrency ledger and enables tokens to be transacted with (tracked, sent, and received.) This eliminates the need to use custom code or costly smart contracts. In short, native tokens remove the unnecessary layer of expensive complexity and inherent inefficiency found in the Ethereum chain.

The Heart Behind The Technology

The Creator and CEO of Cardano, Charles Hoskinson, is passionate about his work and mission to change the world’s financial system. To build a true financial operating system for the planet; for the unbanked, giving open, fair, and free economic identity to those lacking, along with dozens of companies and millions of community members.

In a recent video update, Charles stated, 

“We are on a path to Destiny. Everything we do is lining up to take us to that particular reality. Those are the billions of users that not only will enrich the network and make it something worthwhile but will change the entire fabric of how the world works and make it fairer, more just, and more transparent. Every bit of commercial progress we make as a company, as a protocol, as a community towards that end, makes me incredibly happy.”



Slow And Steady Wins The Race

It has been a gradual process for Cardano because they do real science, write real protocols, perpetually testing every aspect of this unique project. This protocol is necessary to avoid the traps many Silicon Valley startups, and the like have experienced. Move fast, break things and burden the world with their costly mistakes. Many have fundamental and architectural issues that have caused their demise or non-event. 

Because of all the hard work, philosophical and scientific approach, Cardano’s progress has expedited and now a force and on track, having built the best Proof of Stake protocol with a brilliant path to evolve that protocol to keep up with emerging technology. 

Charles Hoskinson and the Cardano team are one of integrity, empathy, and compassion with a philosophy that is congruent with Markethive. We, at Markethive, welcome Cardano and are excited to be collaborating and joining forces to help make the world a better place. One of freedom and sovereignty in the social media and financial spheres creating an all-encompassing ecosystem for humanity. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.