Friday, January 22, 2021




Catherine Austin Fitts, the founder of and financial wizard, has published a comprehensive report to help us understand the state of our currencies. I have curated some essential points from Catherine’s account and how Markethive fits into the equation to the best of my ability.  

It is essential to understand that we live and transact in a transition time. We are in between two systems and are amidst a global currency war.

The first system is the US dollar, which has served as the global Reserve currency since World War Two. Over the last year, numerous officials in the financial and political spheres have increasingly gone public regarding their belief that the Anglo-American alliance’s effort to institute a global unipolar model following the collapse of the Soviet Union has failed. They've been very transparent about their dissatisfaction with the US dollar as a reserve currency and many efforts to de-dollarize.

The second system is currently on the table being invented; Numerous parties throughout the developed and developing worlds are attempting to bring up new digital transaction payment and settlement systems. The result is in extensive debate and prototyping of new financial products and complex systems. The competition to build out the hardware, the software, and the artificial intelligence to integrate the entire global population is fierce.

The critical thing to understand in this transition period is that many global leadership members do not intend to bring up a new currency system for use by the general population. Instead, they intend to use the end of currency as we know it as part of a radical re-engineering of our existing laws, finances, and culture. 

Their goal is to end individual sovereignty with technocracy and transaction systems that can operate without markets or currency in the classic sense and be integrated with what has previously been separate control systems.

Using a pandemic to engineer and market the transition has made any analysis more difficult. An enormous effort was undertaken to combine the tracking of the central bankers’ global reset and advanced expertise and an extensive network in the Health Sciences. 

Catherine Austin Fitts and her Solari team have been blessed with many subscribers and allies with such expertise and networks. They have analyzed, identified, and explained the state of our currencies and the fact that transhumanism is all part of the vision to end currencies. 

This became clearer to Catherine when Bill Gates spoke of some of the key points of the proposed implementations on Reddit, back in March 2020 when COVID became a worldwide crisis, not only medically but also set us on the path to the chronic demise of the world economy. 


This is the plan... 

As explained in the documentary, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, a group of multi-stakeholders meets to play out a “fictional” scripted simulation discussing the possibilities and contingencies of a pandemic five months before it became a reality, pretty much to the letter. This exercise was called Event 201. 

Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation tracks a three-decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. Plandemic II connects the dots between all forms of media, the medical industry, politics, and the financial industry to unmask the significant conflicts of interests with the decision-makers currently managing this crisis.

To go further down the rabbit hole, visit

We, The People Are Actors In The Writing Of History

The number of people appalled at where things are headed who wish to preserve human sovereignty and freedom grows daily. Our opportunity is to make a difference together, right now, while the new system is still being prototyped and the factions are competing. We are actors in the writing of history. We have a say now as to how things go.

The state of our currency systems must be viewed in this context within a raging debate regarding the future of humanity. The debate is between those who hope to profit to an obscene degree from an end of human health and freedom and those who wish to preserve a human society dedicated to spiritual and political freedom and prosperity for future generations.

As part of another documentary, Planet Lockdown Film currently being produced by filmmakers who seek to bring balance and perspective to this grim situation we are facing, by getting the word out in a world where there is a severe lack of honest reporting and clear information available today. The film and interviews offer high-level, tasteful, and intellectual content to inform the public of our current situation. The film is scheduled to be released at the end of January 2021.

Founder of Solari, Catherine Austin Fitts, is one of the enlightened, soulful individuals sharing her intelligence in this movie. Catherine and her Solari colleagues’ mission is to help us live a free and inspired life, including building wealth in ways that create real wealth in the broader economy. We believe that personal and family wealth is a critical ingredient of individual freedom and community health and well being.

 Catherine Austin Fitts quotes, “If we can face it, God can fix it.” She believes many things are possible if we can face it, and transparency is critical. 

In a casual walk down the streets of Holland, where Catherine has been residing since the inception of the pandemic, she explains that we don’t have the power to stop central bankers from what they are doing; however, she predicts that they will fail. 

She believes it’s too hard and complicated and it’s too far outside the laws of nature; in other words, the law of Divine intelligence. So the issue becomes, how do we as a people pick up and build a human civilization. 

The globalists have decided they cannot maintain a human culture and are trying to implement a financial structure that is bound to fail. Once it fails, the people will gather to bring total transparency and rebuild the economy from the bottom up. 

Catherine is at the helm with her plan to help rebuild and uphold a human civilization, stating,

“We are now integrating very powerful technology, and that means we have to grow spiritually. We can’t have this powerful technology managed by cavemen, and to a certain extent, this is what we are seeing. We have very powerful weaponry and surveillance technology with people using it that are behaving like cavemen.” 

I agree this powerful technology is in the hands of power-hungry narcissists that are using it for nefarious activities pitted against humanity to control us where we will not even be able to think for ourselves. 

First and foremost, Catherine believes that what we are dealing with is spiritual. One of her favorite biblical stories is Gideon, said to be a timid judge and ruler of the Israelites, with little faith, and how God chose him to take on the Midianites who were oppressing his people. She likens it to what is happening today and what ultimately will happen; 

Gideon, with a mere 300 strong army and no weapons, only trumpets and jars with torches inside, was able to wipe them out. Surrounding the Midianite’s camp blaring trumpets and smashing jars caused so much confusion for these oppressors who were so fearful, they ended up killing each other in the chaos. 

We can take from this that God works through anyone, even timid believers who lack faith. When we hide or acquiesce to the things that scare us the most, God compels us to tackle it head-on. 

Catherine says,    
 “This is part of a 10,000-year-old war, and our outcome depends upon whether we are able to spiritually evolve and grow up. I tell everybody that death is not the worst thing that can happen; the worst thing is losing your immortal soul, so stop worrying about death and start worrying about whether you are going to be free or not.” 

We Have The Power To Come Clean

At the moment, we have the power to shift bank accounts, pension funds, retirement funds, etc., and withdraw any activities that may help the globalists finance their technocratic vision. 

We also have the same technology to use for the good of all humanity. To separate ourselves from the egregious elites who think they know what’s right for us and giving us all sorts of reasons why we need their protection.

The talking heads of government and central bankers don’t want another GFC bailout like 2008 attributed to the banks. It’s bigger than that. They want to permanently re-engineer the currency and financial system to give them more control. 


The People Need To Rebuild The Economy From The Ground Up 

It’s the independent income and small entrepreneurs that will keep supporting democracy and popularism and are part of what is causing real frustration and risk for the globalists, so they are working towards something they think will give them greater control. 

However, I believe their efforts will be thwarted, likened to the Hydra, the Greek legend of a giant multi-headed immortal monster. When one head is severed, two more will grow. 

Supply and demand are intrinsic to a thriving economy. At Markethive, known as the ecosystem for entrepreneurs, we are building a flourishing economy. A world within a chaotic world but not of that world, upholding self-sovereignty, freedom of speech, and liberty.

A growing number of platforms, specific to either microblogging, video, or digital media, rise in opposition to what big tech is doing to silence the people and cover up the blatant lies and nefarious activities. However, to be completely untouchable by the tech giants, platforms need to cut all ties by owning and installing their technology, giving them the sovereignty to broadcast and be of altruistic service to the world. 

Users from all walks of life, influencers, marketers, business owners are looking for and migrating to more sovereign platforms to exercise their right to free speech along with the opportunity to improve their livelihood. Markethive is leading the way and can deliver a complete system where you will no longer have to rely on the monopolies for its services of any kind on any level.  

Markethive now owns and runs on its own servers and, furthermore, is underpinned by Blockchain with the Markethive Coin (MHV). Due to Markethive’s infrastructure, the Markethive Consumer Coin will be one of the few cryptocurrencies that will remain strong, gathering momentum in this time of transition to a digital economy. 

This is the foundation of an economy, a divine vision that will thrive, driven by the community, with the velocity effect required to maximize the economy. Supply and demand within the Markethive world will result in financial sovereignty, autonomy, privacy, and peace. 

With God’s help, we will withstand the technocracy that will render many unsuspecting individuals locking them into the projected transhumanist slavery system. On the other hand, think of Gideon and the Midianites.


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.



Monday, January 18, 2021




It’s never been as critical as it is right now to separate ourselves from the tech oligarchs and their mandate to absolutely suppress our freedom of speech, destroying our brands, livelihoods, and online relationships. 

The tech giants’ attempts to do this are blatant tyranny. Although they may think by keeping the truth from us by banning accounts and censoring whatever they believe is against their guidelines, they will not win this war against humanity or even survive.

Twitter has purged hundreds of thousands of users’ on their platform, and yesterday I was disabled from using my upgraded account on Vimeo. I must say, though, it’s very arrogant of these tyrants to ban the POTUS; 

A president elected by tens of millions of people at the behest of some un-elected no-name sitting in their social media corporate office makes judgments and decisions about who can post and what the people can and cannot see. 



Too Big For Their Boots

In my opinion, in just one of the recent big tech tyranny events, is Twitter’s biggest mistake was to ban President Trump’s personal account permanently and, subsequently, the official POTUS Team account. 

In the past few days, more social media platforms have taken action, which is unprecedented, to silence the president of the U.S. in the wake of the violence at Capitol Hill, Washington D.C., for which he is being blamed. Twitter allegedly banned him for "inciting violence,” even though all he ever did on the day was tell protesters to go home in a peaceful manner. 

Even President Trump's email service banned him from sending emails to his millions of supporters. And Mozilla, the owner of the internet browser Firefox, vowed to take action against President Trump and his allies.

Under Biden’s administration, these tech giants believe there will be no repercussion, legal or otherwise, and they will continue to silence what they consider is dissent and now being called domestic terrorism. Historically, they have always silenced the differing opinions of ordinary people and shut them down.

It wasn’t that long ago, Facebook and YouTube banned anything relating to cryptocurrency, resulting in people losing their branding and income. Although they have since reinstated crypto content, the damage has already been done in many cases. 

We see a little retribution, though; According to Markets Insider, the Trump-ban fallout has spooked tech investors, and Facebook had $34 billion erased from their market cap. Twitter also underperformed, losing $5 billion in Market value amid the broad market slump as investors continue to balk at the platform’s ban of the US president. 


The Tyrannical Take Over

The ongoing restrictions brought about by what seems to be a never-ending pandemic will be with us forever, if the globalists get their way, as a form of control that has already created a society of a derisive and divisive culture worldwide. Many are home-bound, and therefore social and digital media are the primary mediums for keeping in touch, staying informed, and running businesses in many cases.

Not only do we have the social media oligarchs wielding their oppressive power, we now have our main internet servers (Amazon AWS) suspending their service to newer freedom of speech platforms, as is the case with Parler. 

Apple and Google Play stores have delisted Parler’s free speech App, completely silencing millions of free-thinking and fundamentally peaceful people. It is noteworthy that Parler is purported to be a predominately conservative platform.

They’ve Crossed The Line

The whole world is up in arms about free speech confiscation, including many politicians of other countries, both right and left. 

Now is the time to speak up and stand up for what you believe. Given these Silicon Valley companies’ history, they are not just going after the conservatives; they’ll end up coming for us too.   

The oligarchs of social media are creating their demise. They seem to have forgotten that they need us more than we need them. We can bypass their wicked tyranny and strong-arm tactics. 

Unfortunately, Parler got sucker-punched by AWS because they didn’t consider the vulnerabilities their foundation and infrastructure had by contracting the monopoly’s services that clearly has a questionable agenda. 

GAB Social was also offline for a week when, who was hosting them, denied access to its servers. According to the founder of GAB, Andrew Torba, the platform is no longer at risk because it now independently hosts its own servers. 

Time To Take Back Our Power 

Markethive, the Social Market Network and Ecosystem for Entrepreneurs, has also removed itself from the tech oligarch’s services and as stated by the CEO and founder of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast

“In these challenging days of darkness and political upheaval teetering on war, Markethive is becoming even more of a light in the darkness of this world.

Markethive has left the giant tech services that have shown themselves to be wicked tyrants and are now wrapping up our own cloud server system(s) be distributed on sovereign lands around the world. This is being done to ensure Markethive stays a bastion of freedom, liberty, and economic sovereignty.”

The Markethive platform is not only a forum for free speech on a social media front, but also inbound marketing, saas, blogging, email, video, and media broadcasting network built on Blockchain with its consumer cryptocurrency coin (MHV). Wholly independent and the next generation of social market media.

It’s fundamentally a cottage industry ecosystem for entrepreneurs, businesses, politicians, artists, anyone who is sick and tired of the restraints, data harvesting, surveilling monopolies of silicon valley clearly in bed with the elitist left.

Markethive is an international company that represents everyone. We are not specific to any national identity. We have no agenda. Markethive’s heart and soul is freedom, liberty, financial sovereignty, and entrepreneurialism. 

Very soon, Markethive will have four newsfeed channels;

  • The main social newsfeed (Buzzfeed)
  • The blog newsfeed
  • The curation newsfeed
  • The video channel newsfeed. 

All four channels will have the functionality, similar to a Twitter feed, along with the benefit of remotely posting and sharing your content on many other media sites on the internet. A unique function, resulting in an increased reach and brand exposure, enables you to get your word out to millions without the fear of being shut down. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. 


What’s The Next Step For Markethive? 

With the inception of Markethive sovereign cloud systems, this next tech giant embarks on distributed mining hives, a divine vision and architecturally conceptualized by founder Thomas Prendergast. 

Markethive’s Cultivation & Mining is a self-sustaining, symbiotic hemp/cannabis growing operation and full mining operation.  Each is supporting the process of each. Mining produces heat; greenhouses consume heat. Thus, it reduces the highest cost of greenhouses by using heat from mining data center operation and the most significant cooling and power generation cost. This is accomplished by integrating existing technology and proprietary licensed technology to create a self-sustaining operation.

Complete ecosystems can be created and run on Crypto, giving the power and chance of financial freedom to everyone that participates. Mass adoption is imminent, and with the power of crypto exchanges, I see the strong cryptocurrencies all interrelated. is an entity unto itself with the multi-dimensional wallet app’s development for MHV and other strong cryptos for liquidity, messaging, along with its cloud systems and distributed database. 

Combined with a plethora of mining hives globally that create massive surplus electricity built on a total 100% green energy that supports the core distributed decentralized data-based systems using dWave or quantum computers which utilizes the advanced theoretical technology of multiple parallel universes. 

That core of decentralized dWave database systems has a matrix/network of the Blockchain around it. Monitoring, securing, and facilitating the massive database system.

Markethive Is Delivering

Markethive delivers a dynamic social network, integrated with Inbound Marketing (SAAS), numerous commerce platforms, multiple traffic portals, all built on the blockchain, and provides a complete Ecosystem for Entrepreneurs

Using the latest technology provides privacy, security, and prosperous solutions for all business owners, marketers who require an online presence. It is a secure private system that does not leverage, steal, or track you. You can simply use it just like a social network, or you can command it to build an empire.

People will come to realize that there is a benevolent company, culture, and system that will give them what they need to achieve financial sovereignty and freedom of speech such as Markethive; meaning, we are not dependent upon governments or economic structures that oppress communities and society in general. 

Markethive’s growth will be exponential and lead us to 1000’s of hybrid hive farms cultivating Medicinal Marijuana and generating or mining coins. 

The coin is produced to give an incentive to join Markethive; to reward and pay users for all engagement. Markethive is not using the coin to raise money. It's also not speculative but has the ability and potential to become very valuable due to many products and services that are in high demand. 

So pump and dumps won't affect the company or its revenue. They're not dependent upon speculation of their coin. They are dependent upon delivering services and products people want, whether the coin is up or down, which will increase the value and create the right velocity of the coin despite the markets. 

Underpinned by mining hives that will drive the coins (MHV) along with all the products and features the system offers, which is the lifeblood to Entrepreneurs.

Markethive is not funded by big venture capitalists or corporations. It is for the people, by the people, and of the people who stand for truth, liberty, and freedom. 

God has giants' in the wings that will rise up and eclipse these tyrannical systems trying to control us, and Markethive is destined to be one of them. Stay tuned as we move forward with this history-making endeavor to uphold freedom, peace of mind, and sovereignty in these critical times.

To learn more, join for free  @Markethive - Ecosystem For Entrepreneurs

ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

ExpertOption is a leading platform for online trading.


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Monday, November 16, 2020

Integrate Markethive With Your Affiliate Programs For Optimum Results



We at Markethive pride ourselves in being entrepreneurial, and the fact that our logo says Ecosystem For Entrepreneurs is precisely what Markethive is. If you're an affiliate marketer, did you know you have a complete turnkey system in Markethive to achieve not only exceptional sales results but also long-lasting relationships you can build?

Everyone who joins Markethive either has their own business or is looking for a way to make money on the Markethive platform. Internally, we have the Markethive Vault, Loyalty program, MHV micropayment faucet, and referral program with its generous infinity airdrops; however, it's important to note, with the development of the turnkey system, Markethive is also the perfect platform for affiliate marketers. 

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is essentially the promotion of a business, company, or individual product. It is based on relationships in which one party (the Affiliate Party) sells another party's product and receives a commission to sell its product or service. This allows you to work with the brand to help them sell their product while earning commissions every time someone buys through your affiliate link.

Affiliate marketing became a concept in 1989 and took off in 1996 with Amazon Associates. Today, the affiliate marketing industry shows steady growth with an expected $6.8 billion spends in 2020.  

Considered a unique form of marketing, it is among the most popular approaches to drive sales and generate revenue. Affiliate marketing is beneficial for companies and affiliates alike and offers a convenient and cost-effective niche.  

Markethive BIX, Banners, And Impressions

The Banner Impressions Exchange (BIX), along with an ever-increasing amount of impressions, commands excellent organic traffic helped by Markethive's positioning, as shown on Alexa Rank, lends itself to a golden opportunity of any affiliate program one chooses to expedite.

The BIX allows you to sell your impressions on the exchange, which many Markethive entrepreneurs are doing. Alternatively, the affiliate marketers within Markethive are creating banners and using their impressions each month to promote their affiliate programs. 

Using your allocation of impressions is a great way to promote your business; however, many link their banner directly to their affiliate link, which points outside of Markethive to their affiliate website. This limits potential outcomes, resulting in missed opportunities.

Apart from the traffic stats you can access within Markethive's analytics for your banner, you don't know who they are, nor will you have the chance to build a relationship with them if they didn't take any further action on your website at that point. 

A Different Perspective

A solution would be to create a group or a storefront within Markethive. You can set up a landing page, paste information, tutorials, images, or videos from your affiliate website into the group's activity page. 

When a prospect clicks on your banner with the link now directed to your group, they will be able to join you in that affiliate program and Markethive. This allows you to keep in touch with them, provide them with reviews, updates, or new products. 

Inviting them to your group to purchase your affiliate product within Markethive can be seen as a support mechanism that includes a social aspect that would most likely be comforting to the new user, given they are now in a group of like-minded people.  

Almost 68% of affiliate marketers use social media to connect and display valuable content and offers in a specific group that allows them to build relationships and gain trust. This personal approach is expected to increase in the upcoming years, and Markethive is poised to play an integral part in this facilitation. 

Blogging And Affiliate Marketing

Did you know that nearly 65% of affiliate marketers rely on good content to enhance their campaigns? According to these statistics, there has been a 175% increase in content produced by affiliates and a whopping 240% increase in revenue created by content publishers over the last few years. 

Blogging has become an integrated sector of the overall affiliate marketing strategies as stats show that 47% of buyers read 3 to 5 pieces of content before deciding to purchase. 

This medium is where your storefront's blog section can be of service to the associates that have joined you in your group. Creating valuable content about your products and services can be a deciding factor and help build trust and integrity.


Make More Money While You Make Money 

The storefronts (groups) is designed to be a complete turnkey system for any independent business or affiliate program you promote. This includes capture pages, landing pages, autoresponders, broadcasting, co-op assignments, and campaigns with link rotators for those building a team. 

Automated tutorials on how to create and monetize any opportunity within the bounds of Markethive and its unique storefront system will be added. And you are not limited to one storefront. 

You can have as many storefronts to cater to the various affiliate niches you require. For you, it's central to managing all of your businesses. For the customer, it provides a platform of information and support and the added opportunity to be in a social environment to earn an income with Markethive if desired.   

Another benefit of using Markethive as your storefront to promote your business is your potential to increase your Hive Rank. As group numbers grow, it has a positive impact on your Hive Rank score, which increases your MHV earnings. It's the highest paying micropayment paid by Markethive, other than the airdrop received when you refer people to Markethive. 

A Collaborative Ecosystem  

As you evolve with your banner creations and promotions using your Markethive impressions, you may need to purchase more impressions from the BIX resellers. This increases the demand for the impressions, which increases the price, resulting in a very lucrative income from the Banner Impressions Exchange. 

So it's two-fold, the affiliate marketer makes money from their program gaining loyal customers in their groups, and the BIX resellers also profit. All this under the Markethive umbrella, making it a collaborative ecosystem, a marketplace, and a home for entrepreneurs and consumers. 

CEO and Marketing Director Thomas Prendergast presents the "Coffee withTom" weekly meetings, which is a hands-on approach. The sharing of new ideas, explaining the benefits of affiliate programs, outlining the best ones, and how you can integrate the Marketive tools to provide a better experience for your prospects and make your affiliate business more manageable for you to conduct. 

These meetings are live, held weekly, and not always recorded; however, they offer valuable information and direction covering the different aspects of the Markethive system and what it can do for you. (Check Calendar for details)

The Future Is Bright

Although affiliate marketing has been around for a while, there's a whole new generation rising up, proving that there is a legitimate way to earn a living online. Entrepreneur Adam Enfroy has done just that, starting as recently as 2019. Along with his outstanding success, he guides beginners, recommending the best affiliate programs and sound advice.

These affiliate marketing statistics indicate an overwhelming acceptance of this advertising model for just about anyone to make money online. 

  • More than 80% of brands have affiliate programs. 
  • America is the most significant player in the affiliate industry, with a 39% share.
  • Nearly 65% of affiliate marketers generate traffic by blogging.
  • 94% of publishers use multiple affiliate marketing networks.
  • Advertisers generate between 15% and 30% of all sales from affiliate programs.
  • Affiliate marketing is responsible for 16% of global ecommerce sales.

Surprisingly, affiliate marketing is far less time-consuming than other marketing methods, and there's little to no initial outlay. It's recognized as a great way to make some money just by promoting other businesses' products and services. The opportunity to tap into new markets and boost traffic is an added advantage. 

All you need is your blog or website, some writing skills, and a little advice to get started. The perfect scenario would be to have a platform to consolidate your affiliate niches, surround yourself in a social environment with all the SaaS tools you need to facilitate your business from start to finish. 

This is what Markethive gives you, along with a collaborative, stable learning environment for the entrepreneurial beginner. In 2020, it's clear that the future of affiliate marketing is a bright one, and with Markethive at the helm, it's a perfect match. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept, and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



Sunday, October 25, 2020

Ecoin official Wallet Released

 Ecoin Enthusiasts , the New Ecoin Wallet is available

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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

SEO Strategy In 2020 - Focus On Content and Links


SEO Strategy In 2020 - Focus On Content and Links 

SEO strategies for 2020

Even with all of the SEO trends that have been introduced over the past 25 or so years since its inception in the last decade of the 1900s, SEO in 2020 is still all about content and links. Without amazing content, you’ll never get links, and without link building, you won’t rank on the SERPs, so quality content and links should still be the foundation of any SEO strategy. 

SEO is the acronym Search Engine Optimization however more to the point it should be referred to as Web Presence Optimization, after all, we are optimizing our business and web presence, not the search engine. 

Content marketing and inbound marketing are synonymous as its foundational approach is creating quality content tailored to any given audience thereby acquiring customers, building trust, and loyalty. This type of marketing is not separate from SEO at all and has become an integral part of today’s SEO.

The SEO pre-2011 was a totally different mindset and the tasks were generally farmed out to search engine optimization professionals at a price. The industry became notorious for gaming search engines, particularly Google with the one-upmanship game using tactics like dark link schemes, mass forum posting, comment backlinking, and content stuffed with keywords, etc.   

After one of many of Google's algorithm updates (Panda/Farmer update) in February 2011, things notably changed and Google started viewing content from a truly human perspective. Marketer’s changed the way they approached Google and no longer used the keyword density formula as stuffing keywords throughout every page was a big no-no. Marketers started focusing on content that correlated and that interested their target market. 

Google continues to stay ahead of the game. Today, with their latest algorithm named BERT, which is based on user intent rather than a focus on content/page to keyword matching. It’s a  user-focused optimization, using real people to evaluate websites. These Quality Raters are not SEO professionals but are trained to assess the pages according to the amount of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness of the page’s main content as well as the creator of that content. 


Two Factors Determine High-Quality Content In Google 

As we know Google’s algorithm changes constantly, but there are two human inputs that can affect how your content shows up in search results.

Behavioral Analysis: Google looks at user behavior factors like the dwell time and average time on page.

Quality Raters: Google hires humans who manually check their search results using quality rating guidelines.pdf

As it’s all about humans and how they consume content and their effect on search engine rankings, we need to ensure our content satisfies not only the technical but the human requirements also. 

The Human Touch Required For The Pillars

Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, otherwise known as E-A-T are the pillars of Google’s quality rater guidelines and are only used to help Google evaluate changes, and do not directly impact rankings. The guidelines exist to help raters assess “Page Quality” and “Needs Met”, so it is simply a term Google created to teach quality raters what to look for. 

What is EAT?
Google emphasizes Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness -  EAT to ensure trust in their search results.


Page Quality

Jennifer Slegg, the editor for the SEM Post, explains how Google assesses E-A-T,

“They said that the best-known signal is PageRank — that means links.”

Google may count links from other authoritative sites in your sector as vouching for your page.

Slegg provided as a rule of thumb, 

“You want to make sure that you’re putting out content that other people will feel good about linking to. In addition to amassing backlinks, publishers can bolster their E-A-T by citing their sources, including author bios and credentials, hiring authors that are experts in their field, adding “about” info and contact details, and managing their reputation and reviews.”

Needs Met

“Needs Met” refers to how well your page satisfies the user’s query.

EAT Guidelines

Slegg goes on to explain,

“If you want to get the ‘Fully Meets’ ranking for this, which is the highest-ranking you can possibly get, you need to ensure that your content is completely answered what searchers are looking for,” 

So how can we improve our Needs Met ranking? One way is to see what keywords are getting users to your site and assessing that against your landing page. Also by having all your content on a single page rather than spread across numerous pages that would cause users to have to click on subsequent pages, may lower the likelihood of users returning to the search results only to click on your competitors’ listing. 

Low-quality signals are considered to be pages that are not mobile-friendly, misleading or clickbait titles, ad-blocked content, and intrusive advertisements, so the quality raters are instructed to assign the lowest rating available. 

“Google knows that sites need to have ads to support revenue,” Slegg noted, “it’s more about the types of ads.”

These pieces of content are ranked by their order of usefulness and relevance to the user performing the search.

And that means, in order for your content to have any SEO value at all, it needs to be beneficial to searchers.

How do you make sure it’s beneficial? The infographic below gives you some guidelines recommended by Google.

Google tips for adding SEO value


Social Media Now Considered Backlinks

Social relationships are now considered the new backlinks. In other words, you begin following people who have similar topics to yours and when you start building relationships, they will share your content from their social media turf. The more influential content-related people who share your content, the more impact it has on rankings. SEO is becoming a social butterfly that creates a network of substance and purpose.

A Community That Comments Is A Good Thing

Do blog comments help your rankings? According to Google, the answer is YES! 
In fact, Google stated that the community on your site that comments on your blog or article can help “a lot” with ranking.

Commenting through community is good for ranking

Subsequently, Gary Illyes from Google said that “Comments are better on-site for engagement signals for SEO than moving to social.” 

comments better on site than on social

In other words, Google now wants to see that you have an active community on your site. 

It’s extremely worthwhile to share "the love" with other social media platforms in terms of creating a greater reach. This is where Markethive excels as fully explained in this article written by the CEO of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast, a master at the art of marketing. 

Markethive is the ecosystem for entrepreneurs from all walks of life that not only includes a comprehensive inbound marketing suite but a social media platform where like-minded individuals network focusing on collaboration, sharing content and ideas, with the added advantage of Blockchain security and financial sovereignty. 

It’s a platform that highlights the cottage industry with sovereign storefronts and oodles of content all pointing to and from the platform.  It’s the perfect umbrella for any business to improve their exposure and reach.

With the classification of the next generation Market Network, Markethive has advanced exponentially in terms of traffic and Alexa Ranking. Thanks to the Markethive community with its professional approach to mastering the basic techniques of SEO, facilitating their individual businesses while engaging on the social platform, there’s little wonder that Markethive is a force and showing all the signs of dominating the Social Inbound Marketing paradigm.

Statistics updated Sept. 29, 2020
updated statistics on Markethive's growth

Markethive is not totally dependent on Search Engines as an individual marketer going it alone might be. It has built its own society (and continues to do so) so its traffic is contingent to the Markethive membership driving more traffic in, due to the nature of its platform, what it has to offer, the viral aspect, and the rewards system in place. 

Having said that, there are simple things we can do to optimize our content with the Markethive blogging system and keep within the guidelines of what is accepted or frowned upon on major search engines. 

Adding to that it’s beneficial to be aware of the continuous changes and updates our beloved Google does to its search engine. 


How Can You Optimize Your Content In Markethive?

Content optimization doesn’t need to be difficult. It’s certainly one of the easier elements of SEO to understand and since Markethive is in essence an Inbound Marketing platform with content being of paramount importance it makes sense to understand how you can optimize your blogs to improve rankings.

You need to ensure you’re following a process and adhering to best-practice guidelines. However, you first need to understand why certain elements contribute toward an optimized page and also what to do to implement these into your content. 

Content remains one of Google’s strongest ranking signals, but it’s important to create content with a purpose. You should never just publish blog posts or other types of content just for the sake of doing so. 

Typically, you’ll be publishing content to meet one of a number of goals, including: 

• To rank on the SERPs. 
• To earn links. 
• To educate an audience. 
• To drive social engagement. 
• To generate leads. 

11 Elements To Optimize Your Blog

When it comes to creating the perfectly optimized page, there’s a simple checklist which you can follow: 

Be Keyword Targeted 

Keyword research should always be the starting point when writing. It’s important to align the content you create with your keyword research. 

Although search engines have been minimizing the importance of keywords signals for a while now, they still play a role in ranking your content in the SERPs. 

The focus is now more than ever on keyword phrases (long-tail phrases) and the skillful use of these phrases in a manner that is appropriate for the way search engine optimization works today. 

This guide will show you the importance of understanding the authority strategy that aligns with E-A-T.

Shorter URLs Are More Search Engine Friendly

As far back as 2008, Google’s Matt Cutts said that a 3 to 5 word URL is optimal and that, with those which are longer, “Google’s algorithms typically will just weight those words less and just not give you as much credit.” 

Specifically, URLs at position #1 on the first page of Google are on average 9.2 characters shorter than URLs that rank in position #10.

Short URLs may improve SEO in terms of a higher organic click-through rate (CTR) as shown in this study that short URLs have a higher CTR vs. long URLs. Also, short URLs may help Google understand what your page is all about.

So shorter URLs have a correlation with higher rankings. The average URL on Google’s first page is 66 characters long. Be sure to also include your main target keyword in the URL. 


Optimize Your Title Tag 

The title tag of a page is one of the most important on-page SEO elements, yet one which is so simple to get right. The best place to start when writing an optimized title tag is your target keyword. 

Most title tags on Google’s first page contain keywords that are an exact or partial match of any given search, so it makes sense to describe what your page is about in your title tag.

Title tag optimization

Because your title tag gives the people searching and search engines an overview of your content’s overall topic, it should presumably have a significant impact on rankings as pointed out in the Google SEO Guide.

It appears that a keyword-rich title tag may be a “ticket to entry” that can help you get to the first page. However, once you’re on the first page, using the exact keyword in your title doesn’t appear to help you climb the rankings. 

That’s where other factors like backlinks, Domain Authority, and user experience signals (like bounce rate, time on site, organic click-through-rate) appear to play a large role.

Optimize Your H1 Tag 

Your H1 tag is generally the same as the title or at least has the keywords pertaining to the title. When using the Markethive blogging platform this can be found in the editor at the top along with all the other formats available. 
Optimizing H1 tags

As with title tag optimization, H1s may be a “ticket to entry” factor that can help you crack Google’s first page. But keyword-rich H1s may not be strong enough of a ranking signal to help a page move up the first page results. However, optimizing every aspect of your blog without going overboard can’t hurt.  


Target Keyword in the First Paragraph

There is no need to forcefully work your target keyword many times over throughout your entire content. Keyword stuffing is now considered “NOT COOL” and is frowned upon by search engines. 

It is important that you do use your primary keyword within the content, however, it needs to be done so in a natural fashion. It’s recommended that you include this within the first paragraph of content on the page. 
keywords in first paragraph

In the case of our Markethive TV article, this could be done easily by opening with something along the lines of what you see in the image above  Notice how it isn’t forced but fits nicely in the opening paragraph? That’s what you need to aim for. You will also notice I have included internal links using anchor text.


Optimize Your H2 Tags 

You’ve already wrapped your page heading in an H1 tag, but you need to also make sure you’re wrapping subheadings in H2 tags (or H3 – 6 if there are headings under other subheadings). 

Think of H tags as a hierarchy, where you’re wrapping the most important title in an H1 and work your way down the page. If all your subheadings contextually carry the same weight, use H2 tags for these. If there are clear sections within these, use H3 and so forth in a logical order. 

Don’t fall into the trap of stuffing your target keyword straight into an H2 tag but include variations that make sense to the content. In this example below, you may open the main body of content, after your H1 tag and introductory paragraph, with this variation.
Optimizing H2 Tags

Here, it’s highlighting clearly the overall theme and keyword focus - Markethive TV - however, there is an obvious variant describing what viewers can expect at present and in the future. Keep H2 tags concise and remember you don’t need to have a keyword variant every time as long as your content flows contextually. 


Use Of Images & Video 

The use of images and video within content has a positive impact upon dwell time, or how long someone stays on the page. Also, using video and images, which also includes the likes of infographics and charts, makes content easier to read and consume.

It’s a well-known fact that many of us are able to absorb and understand easier when content is visualized through an infographic or listened to via video. Furthermore, it nicely breaks up the text which can be seen as overwhelming to some readers, especially when it’s a comprehensively long article. 

Notably, writing comprehensive, in-depth content can help pages rank higher in Google, and according to this study when it comes to acquiring backlinks, long-form content significantly outperforms short blog posts and articles. Content longer than 3000 words gets an average of 77.2% more referring domains. 

From an SEO perspective, content that engages users more will have a positive impact upon dwell time. From the perspective of search engines, it makes sense that the longer a user spends consuming content on a site, the more useful it is in comparison to one with a much lower dwell time. 

Just be sure to fully optimize images and embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, or other video hosting and streaming platforms. 
source code embedding videos


Outbound Links Do Improve SEO

Not so long ago, SEO professionals were scared to link out to external content. Why? 
The worry of “leaking PageRank.” 

This was based upon a tendency to maintain as much PageRank as possible internally within a website and to avoid linking out. However, from an editorial perspective, that doesn’t make sense. 

Outbound links are one way that people and search engines discover useful content. They are important because they can improve organic traffic, build trust, and even facilitate relationships with other businesses.

Don’t be afraid to link out. If you’re citing a source, go ahead and link to it. It not only helps users to read further into a sub-topic but also allows search engines to better understand relevancy based upon content you’re linking to. 

Derek Gleason at CXL Institute explains how outbound links in your article align with a users-first approach to content, 

“If you really believe that your content marketing is there to benefit your users, I think you have to link to competitor content. They’re the other sites that are most likely to have created authoritative content on topics similar to those you cover. If you feel anxious about doing that, it’s a bit naive. Your users know that competitors exist. They’re going to find their websites one way or another. If anything, a willingness to link to others’ content may even reinforce why you’re the better resource as users know that you’ll give them full, honest answers.”

Just be mindful to link to authoritative sources. Don’t accept money from third-parties to link to their content from your own. Essentially, link to anything that adds value and makes the life of the user easier, so they don’t have to go search out resources themselves.


Balance Your Content With Internal Links 

Internally linking through to other key pages on your site is a must. Internal linking is a key way to navigate both users and search engines through your content and help to spread link equity to key pages. 

In the most simplistic form, if you’re mentioning a topic within your content which you have a page or post about, link to it. Don’t be afraid to link using anchor text, either. For example, if content talks about Backlinking and you have a previous relevant article that expands on your topic, by all means, link it, as I’ve done here. 

How many internal links should you add to your content? There’s no hard rule. Don’t go internally linking to anything and everything (and certainly don’t be forcing keywords in just to link), but link where it makes sense, and the target page adds value.


Page Speed

Although page speed can be an important factor for the user, and always considered to have a critical impact on digital marketing, and ranking, Backlinko recently analyzed 11.8 million search results to find no correlation between page loading speed (measured by Alexa) and first page Google rankings. However, it’s always best practice to strive for faster page speeds and when it comes to content, image size is a major contributing factor, so it’s important to optimize your images

Social Share Buttons 

Social shares are becoming more of an influence when it comes to search results, and social media profiles do rank in search engines. It’s also important that readers are able to share your content. 

Even if organic search is one of the reasons why you’re creating a piece of content, the end result is that you want eyeballs on it which create your reach and hopefully convert into business.

Social share buttons are located at the bottom of each of your blogs on the Markethive Blogging template which will appear as soon as you hit publish. 

The benefits of Blogcasting


In Conclusion

In 2020, it’s time to re-evaluate the quality of content and optimizing content for users rather than search engines. The key to staying successful in search marketing 2020 has been consistent throughout, publish good authoritative content, with consistent brand messaging, in all your channels. 

As the search engines adapt more to natural language understanding, the best-written content in all forms will win out. 

When you create content that is highly useful, engaging, or entertaining, and be seen as reliable enough to your audience that they would willingly return again to your site, or even seek you out above others, you’ve most certainly gained authority.

Users and customers are getting smarter and they expect more when it comes to marketing. The more they trust you, the more they are willing to share your content (links), talk about you (value), and buy your products (revenue).” 

Markethive has built a system on the Blockchain to empower the Entrepreneur, offering privacy, freedom of speech, and importantly, autonomy. Markethive with its numerous plugins, different domains, layouts, content, etc, all feeding from Markethive but feeding into them. 

We could literally have hundreds of thousands of websites all interconnected inside through the Blockchain from the outside having no possible connection, each one producing its own unique content. Some can be ranking really high, others not so much, but all feeding back into Markethive.

As Google evolves into a more humanistic search engine along with its updates, could and has resulted in a disruption of other sites’ and their standing in SEO. This will not affect Markethive, in fact, you could say it’s like trying to kill the Hydra.

Markethive, the company, is focused on providing a Universal type of income for aspiring entrepreneurs. We believe in sharing our resources with you as you build your business and seek to reach your goals. 

There is so much involved in the world of SEO, it can be very intimidating, however, Markethive has got you covered and committing to learn and carrying out the basics outlined here can lead to a fruitful association within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. 




ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept, and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals.