Showing posts with label internet marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet marketing. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2020

Integrate Markethive With Your Affiliate Programs For Optimum Results



We at Markethive pride ourselves in being entrepreneurial, and the fact that our logo says Ecosystem For Entrepreneurs is precisely what Markethive is. If you're an affiliate marketer, did you know you have a complete turnkey system in Markethive to achieve not only exceptional sales results but also long-lasting relationships you can build?

Everyone who joins Markethive either has their own business or is looking for a way to make money on the Markethive platform. Internally, we have the Markethive Vault, Loyalty program, MHV micropayment faucet, and referral program with its generous infinity airdrops; however, it's important to note, with the development of the turnkey system, Markethive is also the perfect platform for affiliate marketers. 

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is essentially the promotion of a business, company, or individual product. It is based on relationships in which one party (the Affiliate Party) sells another party's product and receives a commission to sell its product or service. This allows you to work with the brand to help them sell their product while earning commissions every time someone buys through your affiliate link.

Affiliate marketing became a concept in 1989 and took off in 1996 with Amazon Associates. Today, the affiliate marketing industry shows steady growth with an expected $6.8 billion spends in 2020.  

Considered a unique form of marketing, it is among the most popular approaches to drive sales and generate revenue. Affiliate marketing is beneficial for companies and affiliates alike and offers a convenient and cost-effective niche.  

Markethive BIX, Banners, And Impressions

The Banner Impressions Exchange (BIX), along with an ever-increasing amount of impressions, commands excellent organic traffic helped by Markethive's positioning, as shown on Alexa Rank, lends itself to a golden opportunity of any affiliate program one chooses to expedite.

The BIX allows you to sell your impressions on the exchange, which many Markethive entrepreneurs are doing. Alternatively, the affiliate marketers within Markethive are creating banners and using their impressions each month to promote their affiliate programs. 

Using your allocation of impressions is a great way to promote your business; however, many link their banner directly to their affiliate link, which points outside of Markethive to their affiliate website. This limits potential outcomes, resulting in missed opportunities.

Apart from the traffic stats you can access within Markethive's analytics for your banner, you don't know who they are, nor will you have the chance to build a relationship with them if they didn't take any further action on your website at that point. 

A Different Perspective

A solution would be to create a group or a storefront within Markethive. You can set up a landing page, paste information, tutorials, images, or videos from your affiliate website into the group's activity page. 

When a prospect clicks on your banner with the link now directed to your group, they will be able to join you in that affiliate program and Markethive. This allows you to keep in touch with them, provide them with reviews, updates, or new products. 

Inviting them to your group to purchase your affiliate product within Markethive can be seen as a support mechanism that includes a social aspect that would most likely be comforting to the new user, given they are now in a group of like-minded people.  

Almost 68% of affiliate marketers use social media to connect and display valuable content and offers in a specific group that allows them to build relationships and gain trust. This personal approach is expected to increase in the upcoming years, and Markethive is poised to play an integral part in this facilitation. 

Blogging And Affiliate Marketing

Did you know that nearly 65% of affiliate marketers rely on good content to enhance their campaigns? According to these statistics, there has been a 175% increase in content produced by affiliates and a whopping 240% increase in revenue created by content publishers over the last few years. 

Blogging has become an integrated sector of the overall affiliate marketing strategies as stats show that 47% of buyers read 3 to 5 pieces of content before deciding to purchase. 

This medium is where your storefront's blog section can be of service to the associates that have joined you in your group. Creating valuable content about your products and services can be a deciding factor and help build trust and integrity.


Make More Money While You Make Money 

The storefronts (groups) is designed to be a complete turnkey system for any independent business or affiliate program you promote. This includes capture pages, landing pages, autoresponders, broadcasting, co-op assignments, and campaigns with link rotators for those building a team. 

Automated tutorials on how to create and monetize any opportunity within the bounds of Markethive and its unique storefront system will be added. And you are not limited to one storefront. 

You can have as many storefronts to cater to the various affiliate niches you require. For you, it's central to managing all of your businesses. For the customer, it provides a platform of information and support and the added opportunity to be in a social environment to earn an income with Markethive if desired.   

Another benefit of using Markethive as your storefront to promote your business is your potential to increase your Hive Rank. As group numbers grow, it has a positive impact on your Hive Rank score, which increases your MHV earnings. It's the highest paying micropayment paid by Markethive, other than the airdrop received when you refer people to Markethive. 

A Collaborative Ecosystem  

As you evolve with your banner creations and promotions using your Markethive impressions, you may need to purchase more impressions from the BIX resellers. This increases the demand for the impressions, which increases the price, resulting in a very lucrative income from the Banner Impressions Exchange. 

So it's two-fold, the affiliate marketer makes money from their program gaining loyal customers in their groups, and the BIX resellers also profit. All this under the Markethive umbrella, making it a collaborative ecosystem, a marketplace, and a home for entrepreneurs and consumers. 

CEO and Marketing Director Thomas Prendergast presents the "Coffee withTom" weekly meetings, which is a hands-on approach. The sharing of new ideas, explaining the benefits of affiliate programs, outlining the best ones, and how you can integrate the Marketive tools to provide a better experience for your prospects and make your affiliate business more manageable for you to conduct. 

These meetings are live, held weekly, and not always recorded; however, they offer valuable information and direction covering the different aspects of the Markethive system and what it can do for you. (Check Calendar for details)

The Future Is Bright

Although affiliate marketing has been around for a while, there's a whole new generation rising up, proving that there is a legitimate way to earn a living online. Entrepreneur Adam Enfroy has done just that, starting as recently as 2019. Along with his outstanding success, he guides beginners, recommending the best affiliate programs and sound advice.

These affiliate marketing statistics indicate an overwhelming acceptance of this advertising model for just about anyone to make money online. 

  • More than 80% of brands have affiliate programs. 
  • America is the most significant player in the affiliate industry, with a 39% share.
  • Nearly 65% of affiliate marketers generate traffic by blogging.
  • 94% of publishers use multiple affiliate marketing networks.
  • Advertisers generate between 15% and 30% of all sales from affiliate programs.
  • Affiliate marketing is responsible for 16% of global ecommerce sales.

Surprisingly, affiliate marketing is far less time-consuming than other marketing methods, and there's little to no initial outlay. It's recognized as a great way to make some money just by promoting other businesses' products and services. The opportunity to tap into new markets and boost traffic is an added advantage. 

All you need is your blog or website, some writing skills, and a little advice to get started. The perfect scenario would be to have a platform to consolidate your affiliate niches, surround yourself in a social environment with all the SaaS tools you need to facilitate your business from start to finish. 

This is what Markethive gives you, along with a collaborative, stable learning environment for the entrepreneurial beginner. In 2020, it's clear that the future of affiliate marketing is a bright one, and with Markethive at the helm, it's a perfect match. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept, and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 



Saturday, November 16, 2019

Digital Marketing and Inbound Marketing synergy

Digital Marketing - Inbound Marketing
Same... But Different? 

In the world of online marketing, we encounter a lot of jargon. Terms like inbound marketing, SEO, digital marketing, conversion, PPC, call-to-action, outbound, content marketing and so on. One that many find confusing is the difference between digital marketing and inbound marketing
On the surface, the two seem similar: Both occur primarily online, and both focus on creating digital content for people to consume. But there is a difference, albeit you undoubtedly use some digital marketing tactics in your inbound marketing strategy. 
The term "digital marketing" doesn't differentiate between push and pull marketing tactics or what is referred to as ‘inbound' and ‘outbound' methods. Both still tend to fall under the umbrella of digital marketing.

Digital Marketing 

The term digital marketing is often defined as an across-the-board marketing tactic that’s done on a digital medium. Digital marketing is the use of the internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, display advertising, website banners, and other channels with the aim to put a marketing message or advertisement directly in front of as many consumers as possible, regardless of whether it’s relevant or welcomed. There is a lot it can be used for, but the term really doesn’t indicate any sort of strategy. It’s more like a toolbox that has all the marketing tools you can utilize to be seen online, acquire more traffic and increase brand awareness. 

Inbound Marketing 

Unlike digital marketing, inbound marketing is a clear and prescribed marketing strategy that has definitive steps and best practices. Inbound marketing does use a lot of digital marketing channels, however, it’s a set methodology that works to attract qualified visitors and generate leads. It is a continuing, holistic strategy that embodies a set of specific steps. It’s more of a philosophy that puts customers first and the digital marketing tactics help you to achieve that philosophy. 

Brand awareness + Short term goals = Digital Marketing
If your goal is to get your brand out there and get just anyone to visit your website, then a few digital marketing approaches may help. Using digital marketing methods alone only works to solve short term goals like increasing traffic to your website. 
For example, you can run a Facebook Like campaign or place banner ads, but those techniques alone will only produce results that are limited to those actions. A Like campaign will almost surely get more likes and banner ads might get more people to your site but that’s about the extent of it. If you’re wanting to generate leads that convert to legitimate, qualified customers, an inbound marketing approach is a proven way to go.

Qualified leads + Long term goals = Inbound Marketing
An Inbound Marketing strategy uses each of the digital marketing tactics and incorporates them into a greater strategy creating results of each tactic. Effective inbound marketing strategies consist of creating useful and interesting content that appeals to qualified leads. Developing landing pages and calls-to-actions that capture the contact information of the people who have shown an interest in what you are offering and deploy email campaigns that are relevant to those specific contacts. 
Ultimately you’ll have created a full strategy that makes each of the digital marketing tactics work hand in hand to create a whole that’s greater than the sum of its parts. This performs long term to continue to deliver qualified leads and boost your conversion rates over time.

Inbound marketing is like playing the long game. it leads to more solid, consistent results, adding value at every stage of your customers’ buying journey. 

Digital marketing is playing the short game, where you get immediate results, but very often they’re not worth as much in the long term. 

Content Creates Trust

Content is an important component of Inbound Marketing. Blogging or writing articles of helpful information discerning their needs and defining a solution even if they aren’t aware they have a problem or a need initially, is a great way to build trust. Informative content that anticipates the prospects’ questions and needs is the best practice to demonstrate that you genuinely care about the consumer. 
A study showed that 78% of purchasers want to build genuine bonds with companies offering customized material, which is content that has been created specifically for the customer that has purchased.  Another report demonstrated 53% of consumers were more willing to buy goods and services if they previously read an article about it on the internet.  Needless to say, this applies to all types of conversions in any industry.

Content Is The Best Approach To Millennials

The main consumer segment will very soon be the millennials which are people born from the 1980s to the early 2000s. One of the standout features of this generation is that they do not trust traditional advertising. They don’t even notice it. Traditional advertising fails to speak the language of generation Y, but blogs or articles do. 

But It’s Not Just The Younger Generations 

Many studies have been conducted involving thousands of men and women of all ages which demonstrated that most of them do not even closely trust advertisements alone.
70% of people made the decision to purchase on the advice of a friend or family member or because they saw the blog post about the company on the internet.
55% purchased after reading an article online. In fact, 70% of buyers prefer to learn about the company from articles, not from an advert. 
If we want to appeal to all customers of today, we need to produce engaging content and have it in front of our audience wherever they may be. Fundamentally, the real value of informational content is the fact that it is portable. In other words, being viewed on many different platforms creating an overall presence and exponentially increasing your reach. Creating quality content is a good investment and you will feel the effects of your investment for a long time to come.

New Era, New Attitudes, New Technology

We saw how the internet changed traditional offline marketing back in the 1990s. Now we will witness how Blockchain will transform the digital world in terms of marketing and advertising. The essential objectives of building trust and nurturing relationships will never change, but will Blockchain technology be able to clean up and enhance the industry?  
There are many ways that blockchain can assist marketers and consumers and improve a somewhat chaotic space. It can bring transparency and honesty to the marketing table that has been inundated with a huge amount of spam and bots. 
Greater transparency strengthens trust between brands and customers. One example is since Walmart and IBM collaboratively introduced blockchain, customer confidence increased.  Thanks to blockchain, Walmart’s supply chain became more transparent and customers were able to track the origin of the products.

Copyright Issues Solved With Blockchain

There is a solution to the copyright problem which gives more control tools to creators. Article 11 (link tax) and Article 13 legislation which is designed to stop users from uploading copyrighted content by forcing platforms to build massive filters or face huge lawsuits and fines, seems to be an archaic and inadequate solution and would impede online development and innovation. 
A more appropriate response is needed to protect not only artists and their creations, but also the platforms that enable mass content sharing. Platforms that have shaped the internet and have connected our world more inclusively and comprehensively.
Markethive with its blockchain in development and broader vision gives you your own domain for all your content, videos and images to originate from. When you join Markethive you receive (for free) a CPanel which is a control panel and WordPress system built into your assigned domain, a subdomain of This way you control all your content, without the worry or hassles of government overreach and anti-freedom regulations designed to stifle the small entrepreneur. 
It is a marketers dream and a complete solution. Markethive has integrated the digital marketing tools along with an inbound marketing system and it’s built on the blockchain, giving you privacy, transparency, freedom of speech and the autonomy you need to overcome any obstacles experienced on the internet today and let’s not forget you get paid for using the system while marketing your business. 

Blockchain Gives You The Edge

The internet has become so noisy that it’s not that easy to attract attention. Furthermore, there are so many platforms and choices willing to assist you in your marketing efforts. You need an edge and Blockchain can give you that edge. Companies that have adopted the blockchain technology can offer cryptocurrency in the form of loyalty programs, micropayments, etc which levels the playing field bringing new ways to earn an income

Is Blockchain Harmful to Marketers? 

The only way blockchain can harm marketers is if they refuse to accept and learn about this new technology and become proficient at it. This is just the beginning. In the early 90s, no one even dreamed of search engines, social media, and smartphones. Today, blockchain takes us to new heights of self-sovereignty as the possibilities of Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency are almost endless.  


It is an exciting time in marketing, as marketers start to realize the benefits of blockchain technology. Above is an outline of just some of the ways it will transform the marketing industry. Additionally, there have been numerous studies asserting that blockchain technology is destined to disrupt the fundamental nature of the global economy, including major changes like:
How organizations are funded and managed, how companies create value and how businesses perform basic functions such as marketing, accounting, and incentivizing people. 

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Deb Williams
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Markethive | State of the Art Market Network

What Is A Market Network? 

Back in 2015, it was exhibited that the next 10 years would be all about Market Networks whereas the last decade was focused on Social Networks. There were a few companies mentioned that were deemed to be market networks and essentially had the key factors of a market network and what it is purported to be. However, since then we have gone next level with blockchain technology. But has any of those market networks actually adopted this new and beneficial technology?

So what exactly is a Market Network?

 A market network is a combination of a marketplace and a social network that includes SaaS which helps the individuals in the market network to work with customers and other service providers to build relationships rather than just quick transactions we experience on eBay or Amazon. 
Marketplaces are essentially about selling your product or service even though reviews of goods purchased by the customer are there to guide potential customers’ purchasing decisions. However, marketplaces are predominantly where buyers and sellers meet for one-off transactions. Typically, marketplaces are an accumulation of sellers. 

We all know what social networks are. Over the last 15 years, most of us have participated in Facebook or Linked to communicate with people and build relationships for whatever reason. However, commerce is not the core objective of social networks. 

SaaS (Software as a Service) are business applications, including email and collaboration, customer relationship management (CRM), billing/payroll processing, sales management, human resources management, financial management, database management, enterprise resourcing planning (ERP), content management, and document editing and management.
So what we had was two separate places for your online presence and commerce. A marketplace to sell stuff, and a social network to build relationships. The SaaS doesn’t exist on these platforms, that’s separate and an added expense for business owners and marketers.
But what if you provide a service that is more involved than a simple buy-sell transaction. On top of that, what if you need collaboration with other professionals in your industry to form a team to provide a complete service?
Well, that’s what market networks are all about. In the market network, you are a service provider, but also a person with a profile, with history, reviews, score, etc. You can team up with other people to provide a complex service to a customer and channel the workflow through a SaaS solution.

How Does Blockchain Fit Into The Market Network Model? 

To be successful in online branding and operating a business in the ever-expanding internet world, you must maintain your profile in many networks, social and market. It’s difficult to effortlessly scale your reputation from one network to a different one. They are pretty much isolated from each other and they can’t communicate with each other, nor do they really want to because they generally belong to someone. And it so happens that “someone” is never the community that brings value to the platform.  It’s not easy for a centralized market network to diversify among service providing platforms and it takes a lot of effort to build and maintain individual profiles that you can only use in an isolated network. 
What if your online identity always belonged to you, not a service or platform? And also, the reputation of your branding was maintained by the network and that network also belonged to you? In other words, a decentralized reputation that would enable you to plug into any other centralized network. You see, when your reputation is decentralized, the entire digital space becomes your network. 
Blockchain is the ultimate framework or infra-structure tool that gives individuals true ownership of their digital selfhood and reputation. It creates self-sovereignty.  

Decentralization In The Marketplace

Decentralization has many features that are beneficial for industries and users around the world. Reduced fees, increased efficiencies, removal of biased agendas and tiers of corruption and greed.
There have been companies like Airbnb and Uber that introduced a new era allowing people to rent out and monetize items. Or eBay and Etsy allowed people to sell products online and Upwork and Fiverr helped freelancers to sell their services. At this stage, these companies are all centralized and very linear with no collaboration between them.

Enter Blockchain.

A decentralized marketplace allows for true peer-to-peer transactions without centralized authorities taking their fees. This is made possible through blockchain technology and smart contracts. We no longer need the trusted third party verifying sellers and ensuring payments. 

Decentralization In Social Media

The traditional social media platforms are losing their edge, and their users have taken a massive beating. While some have given up on their social media world completely because it’s affecting their psychological well-being, some have become very disappointed with the fact that the benefit of their work was being passed onto the site more than them or their hard work has been deleted by centralized authorities due to hidden agendas. 
If this wasn’t enough, user data, which is meant to be confidential, is being made available in the open market, with governments, advertising companies and more having access to it. This has made users apprehensive about sharing personal details of their lives.

Enter Blockchain

Blockchain is going to transform the user experience in social media networking. These are important factors like the users’ information is encrypted on the blockchain network, so the privacy of data is maintained. Also, a platform can offer monetary compensation and loyalty programs for any and all activity performed by the user. Imagine producing viral content on the platform and getting paid for it? This does not happen on traditional social media, fast becoming a product of drama, agendas, and antiquity.  
There are upcoming platforms that are classed as social media on the blockchain whereby you can monetize your blogs, some even have a messaging app integrated, but it stops there. Imagine a complete Market Network as described above that is decentralized, pluggable, and portable which are key components and that have the capabilities to have your marketing, blogging, Storefronts, in fact, all your branding goes viral across all platforms in the internet space?

Enter Markethive - Embracing Blockchain Technology 

Markethive is a social marketplace, digital media platform for entrepreneurs that have the combined power of Facebook/LinkedIn, Marketo/Hubspot and Amazon/eBay along with Crypto News Sites like Cointelegraph/ Delivering a dynamic social network, integrated with Inbound Marketing (SAAS), numerous commerce platforms, storefronts coupled with augmented reality, and multiple traffic portals, built on the blockchain.

Does It Pay?

Markethive is a next-generation Market Network and the first to adopt blockchain technology that has positioned itself as a complete ecosystem for Entrepreneurs. Using the latest technology, it provides prosperous solutions for all business owners, marketers who require an online presence. Including Markethive’s own Coin (MHV) and Crypto Exchange for ease of liquidity as well as purchasing products and services within the Markethive ecosystem.
Creating a “Universal Income” for entrepreneurs, Markethive is delivering an infinity airdrop incentive to new subscribers, Bounty, and Loyalty programs and has set up the entire system with faucet like or micropayment rewards for using the system, including “Tips” instead of “Likes” This means the whole system is monetized for the benefit of all users. The income potential is huge and the MHV Coin ensures that all users will earn money for everything they do in Markethive.

So What Do You Get?

Markethive's functionalities include SEO features, Analytics, Customer Management System, Traffic Portals, Capture Page and Lead Creation, Profile Page, Resume, E-commerce portals, Video Conferencing, Blogging PlatformMessaging, Press Release, and Sponsored Article distribution, Banner Program and much more. Also included are significant training tutorials and weekly live support meetings, with a step by step automated tutorial system in the works.
Inbound Marketing is a key component of Markethive’s embodiment. Markethive plugs into all Social Media, simplifying your marketing efforts, with automated email campaigns allowing for lead flow into your designated business. Markethive incorporates collaboration building relationships within the community. 
Did I mention that the inbound marketing component is free to use while being rewarded with MHV? The only thing that is more rewarding beyond your wildest dreams is the loyalty program which enables you to profit from all facets of the Markethive system including receiving dividends from the company’s net profits. It basically means you as part of the Markethive community own a piece of Markethive, unlike the centralized companies with their venture capitalists and shareholders.


The potential of what the blockchain offers is extremely exciting. And although we are seeing some companies integrating the blockchain as they see what it can do for them and the world holistically, large scale adoption may still take some time. However, the unconventionality of this next-level technology shouldn’t deter marketers, business owners, entrepreneurs, in fact, anyone with a social or marketplace profile from embracing this new protocol given that it offers people many advantages in the form of transparency, security, anonymity, and performance with the added benefit of self-sovereignty. 
In the next article, we will explore Inbound Marketing and blockchain. Stay tuned… 

Post source :

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Deb Williams 
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How To Determine If Your Site Is Fast or Slow and Why it Plays into Lost Traffic.


How To Determine If Your Site Is Fast or Slow and Why it Plays into Lost Traffic.

What Exactly is Page Speed?

The term page speed essentially refers to the length of time at which web pages or media content is downloaded from website hosting servers and displayed onto the requesting web browser. Page load time is the duration between clicking the link and displaying the entire content from the web page on the requesting browser.
There are three core aspects necessary to understand page speed in the context of user experience and website performance:
  • The view of time taken in delivering the requested material along with the accompanying HTML content to the browser.
  • Browser response to page load requests.
  • The view of end-users as the requested web page renders on the browser – this is the ultimate empirical measure of page load speed.
Website performance subsequently impacts search engine rankings developed under proprietary and undisclosed algorithms, incorporating key factors including page speed, user experience, website responsiveness and a whole lot of other website performance metrics.
The absolute critical principle in maximizing website performance is to focus on page speed optimization from the ground up. Performance optimization plugins, server-side scripts, and final tweaks have minimal – however noticeable – impact on page speed and load times. Yet, Web developers and online business owners tend to overlook page load times in their website development and design strategies.

How Slow Is Slow?

Anything slower than the blink of an eye – 400 milliseconds. Engineers at Google have discovered that the barely perceptible page load time 0.4 seconds is long enough to cause users to search less.
The technology has come a long way in improving internet experience. The over-crowded cyberworld of the 1990s was often labeled as the World Wide Wait, but innovations in communication and networking technologies have revolutionized the way digital information is transmitted across the internet. The next generation of online businesses have all the resources they need to deliver content instantaneously, but to leverage and complement these resources, businesses need speed-optimized websites that deliver the best user experience.
Microsoft speed specialist and computer scientist Harry Shum believes 0.25 seconds of difference in page load time – faster or slower – is the magic number dictating competitive advantages for online businesses.

What Happens If A Site Is Not Speed-Optimized?

1 in 4 visitors would abandon the website if it takes more than 4 seconds to load. 46 percent of users don’t revisit poorly performing websites. Website owners have a mere 5 seconds to engage visitors before they consider leaving. 74 percent of users accessing the mobile site would leave if it takes longer than 5 seconds to load. Every one-second delay in page load time could lead to $1.6 billion in annual losses for online merchants as big as Amazon.

Acceptable Website Performance – The Neuroscience and Rhythm

100 milliseconds. That’s how long the Occipital lobe in our brain stores visual information as a Sensory memory.
Google researchers suggest page load times of less than 100 milliseconds give visitors the illusion of instantaneous website response as the visual Sensory memory processor in our brain works in bursts of 100 milliseconds. The memory store clears itself after 0.1 seconds as photoreceptor cells in the eyes transmit more information to the Occipital lobe.
1 second of page load time does suffice in maintaining a seamless flow of thought – users feel in control of their Web browsing activities, and the mental stress is not aggravated unless the website fails to respond as desired.
At 10 seconds of delay, visitor attention is barely kept. The sensation of impatience, frustration, and feeling of abandonment is usually strong enough to keep visitors from revisiting such slow websites again.

How Do You Test The Performance Of A Site

Website owners can leverage an array of free and premium website performance testing services to analyze web pages and generate tailored solutions to fill the deepest of performance loopholes hampering page speed.
Page speed testing tools powered by search engine giants Google and Yahoo, website monitoring specialists Pingdom and GTMetrix yield valuable insights into website performance indicators for free, and programmatically generate scores and suggestions to educate non-geeky website owners.
The following test was conducted using the free Pingdom website speed test tool. Visit Pingdom and conduct the test selecting various geographic locations according to the options provided, and compare the end-results. Enter your website and hit the Test Now button.

It will then return a summary of your site, including a performance grade, a total load time, the total page size, and the number of requests you have on your website.

The performance insights section of the Pingdom speed test tool is very helpful. These are all based on the Google PageSpeed Insight rules. Generally, if you improve these on your site, you should see a decrease in your overall load times.

Website Load Speed Affects Your SEO

Google started using site speed as a ranking signal in their algorithm way back in 2010, and it continues to serve as one of the many factors that determine where your website shows up in the search results.
Site speed reflects how quickly a website responds to web requests.
Speeding up websites is important — not just to site owners, but to all Internet users. Faster sites create happy users and we’ve seen in our internal studies that when a site responds slowly, visitors spend less time there. Google has admitted that site speed is a ranking factor—that is to say, faster sites do end up ranking higher than slower sites. Having a faster site can help your rankings, and thus your traffic.
More importantly, site speed affects how users view your site. When it comes to accessing a page for the first time, every second counts—with each passing second, a greater percentage of online users are going to abandon your site altogether, losing you the opportunity for a possible conversion. Maximize your chances of retaining traffic, making a good impression, and earning conversions by cutting out unnecessary files, using an efficient caching plugin, stripping unnecessary metadata, and reducing your image sizes.
Google knows that sending people to slow loading websites can wreak havoc on the user experience, so it comes as no surprise that the search giant still places value on site speed.

Bottom line - A fast loading website can help improve your SEO.

Content Availability

Finally, know that broken content on your site can be an issue. By broken, I mean referred to but not present, such as a nonexistent image in the body of your page, or an embedded video that’s no longer available. These “broken” or missing pieces of content do negatively affect your rankings, thereby reducing your traffic, but can be easily fixed by replacing the broken piece or setting up a 301 redirect. Again, the more important effect here is on your users—if they see missing content on your site, it could damage your reputation and cause you to lose conversions.
Ultimately, with the exception of mobile performance, none of these factors are going to kill your rankings or make it impossible for users to convert on your site. However, when each is optimized, you will stand to gain momentum in search rankings, increases in traffic, and ultimately, happier customers who follow through on converting. For the most part, these factors are qualitative and work on a sliding scale, so there’s no “turning a switch” to go from bad to good. Instead, you’ll have to make corrections as you find opportunities, and consistently work to improve your site over time.

Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals.


Thursday, July 18, 2019

What is it OAuth ? , how a new registration through Social Account works ?

Markethive Uses OAuth? What Is It? 

When setting up an account with a new service and they request registration via your social account, is it secure? What exactly is OAuth? 

To begin at a high level, OAuth is not an API or a service: it's an open standard for authorization and anyone can implement it. More specifically, OAuth is a standard that apps can use to provide client applications with “secure delegated access.” It’s like having a valet key to your car. 

Techno Babble: For the Techies

OAuth is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used as a way for Internet users to grant websites or applications access to their information on other websites but without giving them the passwords.
This mechanism is used by companies such as Amazon, Markethive, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter to permit users to share information about their accounts with third-party applications or websites.

Generally, OAuth provides clients with a "secure delegated access" to server resources on behalf of a resource owner. It specifies a process for resource owners to authorize third-party access to their server resources without sharing their credentials. Designed specifically to work with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), OAuth essentially allows access tokens to be issued to third-party clients by an authorization server, with the approval of the resource owner. The third party then uses the access token to access the protected resources hosted by the resource server.[3]

OAuth is a service that is complementary to and distinct from OpenID. OAuth is also distinct from OATH, which is a reference architecture for authentication, not a standard for authorization. However, OAuth is directly related to OpenID Connect (OIDC) since OIDC is an authentication layer built on top of OAuth 2.0. OAuth is also distinct from XACML, which is an authorization policy standard. OAuth can be used in conjunction with XACML where OAuth is used for ownership consent and access delegation whereas XACML is used to define the authorization policies (e.g. managers can view documents in their region).

More easily explained for the Laymen:

When registering a new account in Markethive, we use OAuth. This cookie has a driven socket connection verification process that passes (with your permission) your “name, email and picture” from your selected account (Gmail, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) to our database, server, the blockchain, to verify who you are.
NOTE: It does not give us access to your Social account or additional data. It is strictly for setting up a new account and keeping it secure to you.
This process stores this data on our servers, blockchain, your wallet so we can validate that it is you coming and going to our secure encrypted dashboard of services. This adds a huge layer of security for you and the community.
This process does not give us your password or access to your social or email account. It is like you knocked on the door to come in. We request your ID and note the serial number and confirm through a 3rd party that ID number name your photo is you and we give you an access badge to enter.
Markethive uses 128 bit SSL security for our dashboards as well, so all information traveling from your device to our system is highly encrypted.
Markethive is also in the process of implementing OpenID, which will be using a 2FA process via Google Authenticator until our Crypto wallets are released, then the 2FA process will run through them.

We also request a working cell phone number for further security sending additional verification to that number for things like credit card changes, additions, coin transfers, etc.
After passing through the OAuth and 2FA your freedom to travel throughout the Markethive system as you are granted. Only you have access to this information and only you can terminate your account and this information. No one else can. This is the reason we embrace OAuth and blockchain. It keeps your data under your control and no one else.
So when you decide to join Markethive, your security is our highest priority. Gone from our system is the aged old process and the very nonsecure process of entering fields with your name, email, phone, etc. then retrieving a verification email with a validation link.

This is why you are seeing this type of registration becoming commonplace. This process also prevents 3rd parties from tracking you on our secure distributed security data system.
Notably, verification through OAuth guarantees email delivery to your inbox and not your spam folder and completely negates “fake” accounts and spammy email addresses. 

We invite you to take Markethive for a ride and see for yourself what we are building. If you are not satisfied just navigate to your account settings and press the Delete Button. You will "NUKE" all your data and it'll be completely destroyed. No logs, no backups.
Markethive receives over 2,211,150  unique visitors a month and currently has an Alexa Ranking of 22,374  as verified and published by Worth Of
The video below is detailed on exactly what Inbound Marketing is and exactly what you get in Markethive, no obligations free for life. 

How Markethive operates, what it offers and what’s happening is history in the making. Markethive will be huge. We got things rolling years ahead of the others utilizing Blockchain technology, our own ecosystem and soon to have liquidity for our MHV or Markethive Coins we have been rewarded with, which accumulates all day every day, simply by using this remarkable platform.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Blogcasting At Its Absolute Best With Markethive


Markethive’s Blogcasting platform has many powerful benefits. Just publishing on the platform brings you traffic. The blog gives you visitor display at a glance but also gives you deep traffic analytical detail on visitors, country origin, time on site, bounce rate, referrers, keywords, social sites, and a data-driven matrix. 
Markethive has a place to register your social accounts, so you and others can subscribe to yours and others Markethive blogs. We also have a plugin for your Word Press site that publishing your Markethive blog directly to your WP blog, then broadcasts it from there as well (optional). Every time you publish a blog, that article is posted out to literally hundreds even thousands of social network news feeds and Word Press sites, nothing like it anywhere else for any price, only here. BLOGCASTING  to the Moon!

Need Help With Integrating WordPress Plugins? 

Never Fear, Markethive is here! For a nominal fee, Markethive has the SNAP Department ran by Steven Cavan, an expert at API Plugins. Contact him to find out how you can increase your Presence and Reach to billions across many Social Media and Blogging platforms. This negates the need to visit each and every site, every day to promote your business. 
The new Layout in the image above is under development at present but when it's integrated, you will find it on the menu at your profile page settings under Social Networks. At the moment there are some Social Networks already there where you can hook them up by clicking on each one and following the prompts. That will ensure your account at Markethive is linked to your other Social Media accounts. You will then be able to utilize the features explained below...

Now let’s delve into the workings of Markethive’s Blogging System, the features and benefits of Blogcasting...

What Is Blogcasting

If you were to do a Google search on the word Blogcasting, you would find this definition: 
“A blogcast is simply the combination of a blog and podcast into a single Web site. A blog is a weblog or journal, that is available on the Internet. A podcast is an audio or video file that you share with visitors or subscribers to your site.”

A New Definition

Markethive now has this terminology to mean something very powerful.“Blogcasting” is a play on the word “Broadcasting”, which is the term used to simultaneously transmit the same message to multiple recipients, commonly done through an email system. Blogcasting is the reach that goes beyond this technology. It gives you the ability for an unlimited amount of people to subscribe to your blog through all social media and blogging platforms which could literally have millions of followers notified of your blog.
In the traditional sense of broadcasting, usually, only the people who physically subscribe to your blog or newsletter are notified of your updates via email. With this blogcasting system, all your social networks are informed of your blog as and when you publish them. This means the potential reach is into the millions. 
For example, If I subscribe to your blog and I have 20,000 followers across all my social media accounts, and you have 15,000 subscribers each with a similar following, your blogs have now been potentially seen by around 300,000,000 people which by enlarge are not directly subscribed to you. This is called a “reach” and extremely powerful. 
Blogging is not new, and it’s proven to be the best way to market, nurture relationships and brand yourself as an expert in your field building trust which in turn increases followers, client base and sales. It is also known as Content Marketing. Markethive with their proprietary Blogcasting system has certainly made it exponentially more powerful.  They have certainly added fun, understanding, reach, groups, daily workshops, understanding and power to the process.
Markethive has not only successfully combined all the technical and tactical aspects and requirements into one system, but have also overcome the obstacles to make blogging a group process, combined with motivated mentors to help the newbie easily immerse and embrace the process.
Word Press has been around for years and known to be the world leader in Blogging platforms. Markethive recognizes this and has significantly taken Word Press serious and made it exponentially better. This blog’s focus is to help you understand the paradigm dynamic shift Markethive has brought to marketing, blogging and the individual within the hive.

The Blog Cloud 

The following video attempts to reveal and illustrate how the whole social blogging platform in Markethive changes the entire Internet field of engagement.

The Reach Blog Cloud by Markethive

Markethive’s Inbound Marketing platform delivers a blogging system built for the beginner, sophisticated for the intermediate and an extremely powerful platform that advanced professional bloggers will appreciate. The system is designed for the easy development of a complete blog system, yet advanced and easily set up to be the engine that powers your Wordpress blogs. 
The blogs are Google friendly. When your blogs are shared and consequently clicked on, they move up in the search rankings. If you’re providing quality content, your readers will want others to know. Of course, the only way to make sure your blogs contribute to your website’s popularity is to create unique content, provide answers for visitors, and then share your blogs wherever you can. 
That key point “Share your blogs wherever you can” is another way of saying “Broadcast” them. And Markethive has taken Broadcasting to new heights with Blogcasting.  Blogcasting is a Markethive subscribe feature that other Markethive members use to subscribe to your Markethive blog. When they subscribe (and the potential is 1000s of them), your blog posts are automatically posted to their Facebook Newsfeeds, LinkedIn activity feeds and your Twitter tweets feed.
When you understand that this downstream of subscribers, fellow entrepreneurs at Markethive, are exposing their connections to your message, they are lifting you up, increasing your popularity and building greater branding for you.
Through the News Feed and Blogcasting, it is possible to promote any and all products and services on a global scale with a reach into the millions. Markethive receives on average 250,000 visitors daily. The reason is that when people make searches if the content on my blog is what they are after then they will find me! 96% of the traffic is non-member related. So the majority of the people I am addressing on my blog does not even belong to the site. 

Then there is the Blog Sharing feature that also allows your fellow Markethive entrepreneurs to import your blog posts to their WordPress blogs using the SNAP plugin increasing your message (your posts) to another 25 of their social networks, Facebook Pages, LinkedIn company pages, StumbleUpon, Tumbler, Livejournal, Blogspot, etc, exponentially increasing your exposure and adding to your backlinks.
When you discover the responsibility this represents that you show respect, produce quality content to your loyal downstream, you now have the opportunity to build a huge popular following. This is exactly how members are able to grow their business. Easily grow your social reach into the millions! It’s that Powerful, It’s that simple, That’s Markethive.

Blog Swiping 

Markethive blog system allows you to make your content available to the entire public population within Markethive, or just to your friends or just to members in all the Groups you belong or a selection of them or just one (your choice) or private so no one can Swipe your blog.
Why? There are many sound reasons for this.
  • Curating: Content curation is the process of sorting through the vast amounts of content on the web and presenting it in a meaningful and organized way around a specific theme. The work involves sifting, sorting, arranging, and publishing information. Markethive offers features to the groups you create. Groups are platforms for blogging. Simply set up a Curating Group for yourself and Swipe the blogs in Markethive as a collection of content you may want to use in your publications.
  • Proofing: You may have a group of members that want to edit and rewrite your content. This is an active phenomenon in Markethive. Produce a blog and you will get many critiques so I just offer to them to swipe it, edit and change it as they see fit then let me know. If I like it, I swipe it back. 
  • Cocktails: With Markethive’s ability (feature) to create unlimited Groups each with a different cocktail of content curated, aggregated or from multiple Group memberships, the options to produce unique content for unlimited Wordpress blogs controlled from within Markethive is unlimited.
  • Then there is the learning curve: Total newbies keen to learn how to blog but afraid to take the first step have been mentored within Markethive. The live training webinars and recorded tutorials along with the ability to swipe a Blog it makes it so much easier to get started and new bloggers go from poorly and rarely produced blog posts, to 1-2 dynamic and excellent on-topic blog posts daily. In other words, Thanks to the collaborative culture and mentorship, Markethive is now churning out a new breed of excellent and dynamic bloggers. 
By blogging, you build relationships with your readers, position yourself as an expert in the field, and perhaps most importantly, provide new content for Google to index.

By joining Markethive you build relationships with thousands of others who are actively building a business, blogging, researching, etc. basically being “entrepreneurs” and advancing their businesses and agendas. Often you can join with these people as friends, group members and subscribers of theirs via Blog Casting, Blog Sharing, and Blog Swiping.

Since being integrated on to the Blockchain, Markethive pays you to sign up, they also pay you to use the system and they pay you to promote it. It is a blockchain so security and privacy are key and this is also why they can pay you. Go sign up, it is free to use all the marketing and blogging tools, get paid 500 MHV Coins on joining and enjoy the tipping feature. Why not get “Tips” instead of “Likes”. Here at Markethive it really does PAY to be active and engaged. 
The moment you join Markethive you have an instant setup of your own “Viral Blog” ready for you to begin posting content and marketing your business, product, service, or even personal content. You’ll be up and running the moment you set up your account! Markethive, The Rise of the Entrepreneur. We have put a great future in your hands. Now it is up to you.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals.