Saturday, August 14, 2021

A New Internet In The Making Thwarting Centralized Entities

decentralization is the future

Decentralization Empowering People

We live in an increasingly interconnected world with 4.66 billion people connected via the internet. We pay each other, share data, and communicate with each other within seconds. This is all seemingly wonderful, but the truth is we are not connected with each other.  Instead, we are connected to centralized multinational companies and data merchants we are forced to trust with everything we do.

It’s a scary reality that most people are living in today; however, decentralization is the future. The transition from centralized platforms to decentralized ones is going to be the most profound and disruptive change we’ll ever see in our lives.


What Is Decentralization?

In short, it is the transfer of control and decision-making from a centralized entity, an individual, organization, government, or company to a distributed network. Decentralized networks reduce the level of trust that people have to place in each other and significantly reduce the ability of any centralized entity to exert authority or control over that Network.

One of the most well-known examples of decentralization is cryptocurrency. This feature is the key reason why it's so valued amongst the crypto community and tech Geeks. No single entity can stop you from transferring Bitcoin to another person. 

However, there are numerous examples of people who have had their bank accounts shut down because they bought Bitcoin. So it seems any given bank can dictate what its customers can or cannot do with their money. 

Earlier this year, HSBC in the UK is just one example of a centralized entity banning all crypto transactions using their debit or credit cards. They did it because they can and obviously don’t like crypto. That, in a nutshell, is the problem with centralization and demonstrates how easy it is to ban, confiscate, and shut off those systems at will. 


No Longer A Luxury But A Utility 

The internet plays a massive role in our lives today, with a vast majority tapped into social media platforms. Facebook currently has 2.6 billion users who seem to be oblivious to its dictatorial and underlying agendas. Also, buying goods and services online has become commonplace and a preferred option in many cases, which is a bit of a worry in such centralized environments. 

Centralized social media platforms are fundamentally gilded cages controlled by a CEO not only heavily incentivized to generate stellar earning reports for its shareholders but wields a judgemental partisan approach limiting free speech and liberties of the users’. 

For years now, the tech giants have been data harvesting our personal details. They are notorious for de-platforming anyone who doesn’t agree or is not compliant with their overzealous ruling. So, essentially we have lost access to content and have no control over our data or how it’s used, which could endanger many people’s lives and privacy

Our data is controlled by these data barons, which is very much a security and privacy concern. One of the biggest data barons of them all is Equifax, and in 2017, they suffered one of the most significant data breaches ever. Hackers stole the personal information of 143 million U.S. customers that included data, like Social Security numbers, dates of birth, addresses, and in some cases, driving licenses. 

All the information needed to commit identity fraud and is one of the most egregious frauds in existence. The fraudsters can acquire a credit card in the name of a stolen identity and destroy their credit rating. 

The fact that centralized businesses own the algorithmic black box is kind of creepy, and for some people, it could lead to harassment, stalking and could actually be a matter of life or death. 

All that is particularly significant when we consider that we're living in an age where personal data can be weaponized against people. Are these platforms now so big that they are utility and not a luxury that can be just switched off at their discretion?


Internet Centralization Runs Deep

Internet centralization runs very deep with the likes of internet tech giants such as Amazon Web Services, Alibaba, Microsoft, etc. AWS alone hosts over 9 million websites that they can virtually “play God” with and have done earlier this year by withdrawing its services and support from an upcoming alternative platform promoting free speech. Under the guise of violating AWS terms of service, it is arguably a politicized judgment call that can incapacitate companies and their users, their right to communicate their beliefs.  

Of course, there’s the issue of outages where it was touted that AWS in North Virginia temporarily “broke the internet,” affecting, impacting websites, cloud storage, encryption, and content delivery, leaving many in a spin, some thought the end was coming.

To illustrate another critical flaw with a centralized internet is that so-called authorities could censor the internet or suppress democratic protests by switching off the internet in their country. It has actually happened in Egypt during the Arab Spring protests in 2011 and was used more recently during the military coup in Myanmar in February this year. 


The Dawn Of Web 3

What we are experiencing is all part of Web 2 and defined as the majority of today’s most-used internet platforms are controlled by only a handful of powerful companies, which profit from the data users generate. The next phase of the internet is one in which the users’ take back control from the centralized corporations. 

Known as Web 3, it’s a decentralized version of the internet and essentially a way for individuals to use it without giving up their privacy and valuable data. With the utilization of Blockchain technology, no single entity can gain control as the network is distributed across many different nodes.  

Also, money is native to the internet, so instead of relying on traditional financial infrastructures like banks and all the restrictions that come with them, people can transact quickly globally and in a permissionless manner via cryptocurrencies. 


Decentralized Social Media Emerging

A few companies are working hard to make Web 3 a reality. A pioneer in the social media and marketing realm is Markethive. The company has successfully bypassed the centralized web services, like AWS and Microsoft, and operates on their own cloud system. Markethive is working on expanding its clouds, called Mining Hives, throughout the world.

This means all data pertaining to Markethive and its users will not be stored on servers owned and controlled by a centralized entity. Instead, it is a distributed database on the Markethive  Blockchain with no single point of failure and no internet disruption or censoring by the likes of dictatorial authorities who may decide to shut off the internet. 

With the recent news of the U.S. Senate’s proposal to onerously regulate the crypto industry, which will stifle the United States, the importance of decentralization has escalated. It shows that the government views crypto as a real threat and, of course, another way to refill its coffers. This bombshell has the crypto industry in an uproar, with U.S. companies moving offshore to more crypto-friendly countries. 

To protect all Markethive associates and continue to build the entrepreneurial ecosystem to bring financial and self-sovereignty, Markethive is in the process of building a new offshore corporation for launching its decentralized exchange (DEX) and wallet. This Web 3 development is an inspiring and timely milestone that should be ready by September this year. 

It is a Godsend and a blessing to have a social media and inbound marketing platform empower its community, integrating Blockchain and cryptocurrency in a decentralized environment to circumvent the ‘powers that be” in this ever-darkening world. Markethive will play a prominent role in the re-invention of the social media space to preserve and nurture the entrepreneurial spirit.     


ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.



A New Internet In The Making Thwarting Centralized Entities: decentralization is the future

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Markethive Boost Launches

Markethive  Launches the Boost

Time to “Release The Boost” Unleash the Marketing Beast In All Of Us!

Now that we’ve got the Markethive Donation Wheel of Fortune spinning, giving away valuable prizes with every spin, it’s time to release The Boost. This launch is just the beginning of Markethive’s proprietary portfolio of advertising services. 

Fashioned from the Facebook Boost system, the Markethive Boost is a foundational inclusion and fundamental to the Markethive ecosystem. The service will “boost” your marketing efforts to every subscriber in the Markethive community with enormous potential to increase your brand awareness, conversions, and engagement. 


Facebook Organic Reach Declining 

Since 2014, Facebook’s organic reach has been declining, with a more significant dip in organic reach in 2018 due to a considerable change in its news feed algorithm. Facebook started to shift ranking, focusing on delivering more posts from friends and family to any FB news feed.

The new algorithm didn’t bode well for marketers and businesses. As a result, marketing content had to take a back seat to content from friends and family - a value that Facebook says it originally had and that it's trying to return to. 

Consequently, a Facebook Page only has a 2% reach. Additionally, Facebook says you should assume organic reach will eventually arrive at zero. So, if you really want to reach your target audience on Facebook, you’ll need to supplement your organic efforts with some paid advertising. 

Image: Agorapulse

Hence, the boosted post feature, which is opined by many as a design to funnel money from your bank account into Facebook’s coffers swiftly and consistently. And still, your publication will only reach a small percentage of your friends. Audience targeting options are limited and not designed to help you create a well-optimized campaign. 

Granted, the more you pay, the higher the estimated reach, which can cost thousands. The average is $1000; however, this will only give you access to your friends and subscribers of your page. These are people that you have already worked for or even paid to have in your sphere of influence.

Facebook Analogy

Think of it like this: Imagine you have invited a large number of your friends for a banquet. Typically, you would mix with everyone much like a cocktail party setting before being seated at the table. However, at a Facebook dinner party, you must remain seated. 

You start a conversation, but only the four people closest to you at the table hear you. The guests further down the table don’t. The Facebook Boost would have you pay $1000 to include a few more to listen to what you're saying, but not all of them. 

The next time you host a dinner party, you need to pay to have a few more people hear you. Ten of them may be your friends that you couldn’t speak to before and six that already heard you at the last party. So you still are unable to get your message across to the entire table and probably never will. 

And you definitely will not be able to put your message on the loudspeaker at the front of your house to speak to the people barbequing in their backyard. In other words, you can never go outside the boundaries of your groups, pages, friends, or colleagues. Even within the boundaries, your message will not reach your audience in total. 


What Sets Markethive Apart? 

The Markethive standard news feed already allows your posts to reach all your friends’ news feeds, always organically. That’s 100%. There is no algorithm preventing your posts from being seen by all your friends and group members. No shadow banning or 3rd party deciding what you should and should not see.  

And now, with the Markethive Boost service, you also have a PA system to communicate with the entire membership, not just your friends and associates. If they like your message and subscribe to you, you are then publishing to their sphere of influence and social networks.

The Markethive Boost will always be considerably less expensive than other similar systems out there. Initially, the Boost will allow you to post on every member’s news feed for one flat fee for free members and a discounted fee for upgraded Entrepreneur One and Premium members. The standard BOOST prices will be $200 for free members and $100 for upgraded members.

As the Markethive Boost evolves, it will become layered to the level you want it delivered, including different prices to deliver via hashtags, keywords, most active, number of friends, etc. This allows you to customize and target your audience to build brand awareness, increase leads, drive sales, and promote overall business growth. 

Also, Entrepreneur One upgrades will be able to offer a free boost to new signups and members with our code generator. You simply choose a block of “BOOSTS,” pay for them, then distribute them as incentives to join Markethive or Members who accept your invitation to join your groups or make store purchases. 


Introductory Offer

Right now, though, for a limited time, in line with the release of The Boost, you can take advantage of the special introductory of only $20 to send your message into the News Feed of the entire Markethive membership. The offer will be for 30 days and is available for all members of every level.   

The whole Markethive Boost concept will enable aspiring entrepreneurs to meet their marketing goals with the knowledge and satisfaction that their message reaches far beyond the scope outlined in Facebook for a lot less cost. Furthermore, you have a like-minded, receptive audience of business professionals and entrepreneurs.

After all, Markethive is an ecosystem for entrepreneurs providing a valuable automated marketing platform, commerce portals with a social network where users can learn, engage, and expand markets. We’ll let Facebook get back to its family and friends’ focus while the next generation social market network transcends with putting the needs of entrepreneurs, companies, and marketers first. 

Come to this Sunday’s meeting and see The Boost in action. Also, CEO and Founder of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast, will randomly give coins, banner impressions, Free Spins (In the Wheel Of Fortune), and a free Boost to a few lucky attendees. Be there!

ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.


The Markethive Boost Launches: Markethive  Launches the Boost ...

Monday, July 19, 2021



The First In The Social Media Marketing Niche

Markethive is building an epic entrepreneurial ecosystem, never seen before and transcendent to other social media and marketing platforms. The transformation is enhanced with our release of the first of many initiatives being the Wheel Of Fortune and the launch of The Boost to follow soon after. 

With Markethive now running on its own servers, with the security of Blockchain and its Hivecoin about to be released as a native fungible multi-asset token on Cardano, we have arrived as the first mega decentralized social platform marketing network with the mission is to deliver a decentralized and autonomous environment to the masses, that is not subject to the oppressive technocracy.  

Inspired by Binance’s rise in becoming more than a crypto exchange, Markethive goes far beyond by creating a robust ecosystem in the social media and marketing niches. It will deliver very unique aspects to the Markethive exchange by creating niches and exclusivities that no other platform or system has.

As stated by Founder and CEO of Markethive, Thomas Prendergast,

“The transformation has begun. We are releasing our first of many services as we move Markethive into being the most powerful marketing platform in existence, as well as the most powerful Social Network system as well as the most effective broadcasting platform ever built. The Wheel of Fortune is just one of the many major integrations of services coming that entrepreneurs and marketers need and will benefit from. We are building a powerful epic ecosystem never seen before.”  


The Wheel Of Fortune

First off the development team’s rank is the Wheel of Fortune: The spinning wheel is packed with various prizes related to Markethive and conducive to the people of the community who participate. The awards consist of Hivecoins, Bee Coins, Ad Impressions (to use on the BIX platform), Airdrop bumps of Hivecoin, Newsfeed Boosts, Micropayment boosts, and even ILPs or a fraction thereof

Note; A “BEE” coin is a fractional unit of the Hivecoin. Like the Satoshi is to Bitcoin, it takes 100,000,000 BEEs to make one Hivecoin.  

It’s fundamentally a donation platform displaying five levels ranging in price from $1usd to $100usd, and prizes or number of spins are commensurate with any given level as shown below. The beauty of this wheel is that “Every Spin is a Win!”

Wheel of Fortune Popup Store

Level 1:
500 Bee Coins; 500 Ad Impressions; 100,000 Bee Coins; 1 Hivecoin; 100 Ad Impressions; 10 Hivecoins.

Level 2:
500 Bee Coins, 1000 Ad Impressions; News Feed Boosts; 10% AirDrop Bump for seven days; 10% Faucet Bump for five days; 50 Hivecoins.

Level 3:
200 Hivecoins; 5,000 Ad Impressions; News Feed Boost; 50% AirDrop bump for 30 days; 10% Faucet Bump for 15 days; 1/10th ILP.

Level 4:
200 Hivecoin; 10,000 Ad Impressions; News Feed Boost; 50% AirDrop Bump for 30 days; Entrepreneur One for one month; 1/10th ILP

Level 5: 
1000 Hivecoins; 20,000 Ad Impressions; 1 News Feed Boost; 50% AirDrop Bump for a year; Entrepreneur One for Life; 1 full ILP.
With the much-enjoyed gamification aspect, the Wheel of Fortune provides ample opportunity to accumulate and increase your crypto portfolio as well as the chance to become a lifetime revenue earner as a Markethive Shareholder with an ILP. 

All proceeds of the Wheel of Fortune and the other advertising services to be released like The Boost (coming soon), Press Releases, Premium Upgrades, etc., are classed as revenue for the Markethive ILP holders. Markethive will pay these dividends via fiat or Bitcoin and eventually paid in Hivecoin when we progress with the exchange.   


The Boost Explained (coming next)

Have you ever noticed when creating a post for your business on your Facebook Page, you constantly get prompts to increase traffic to your post by purchasing a Boost Package? The concept is a  good idea; however, the number of viewers that actually see your post is questionable. 

Facebook algorithms are notorious for being manipulated. The reality is that even after spending time and money to build a large following with a Facebook Page, the news feed posts are only posting to less than 1% of your followers. 

Facebook Boosts cost as much as $1000 to post your News Feed post to a maximum of about 500-700 members even if you have 1,000s of Page followers. There is much room for improvement as Facebook Boost posts are limited in their reach and are too expensive for most aspiring entrepreneurs.

For instance, at the time of this writing, Markethive’s Facebook page has about 10,000 followers. When we post to the News Feed, only around 1% of the members are reached (for example, our post was only available on the news feed of 141 people). However, Facebook is quick to alert us a boost is available. 

However, for $1000, Facebook will publish our Newsfeed post to an additional 5,000 over seven days of our 10,000 followers.

Facebook’s algorithms greatly reduce the number of friends who see your posts and significantly limit your marketing efforts to your followers. Even with the Boost, it’s not ideal and can run into thousands of dollars. 

There are pros and cons to Facebook Boost, but arguably, Facebook is not designed for marketers or aspiring entrepreneurs, nor does it have their best interests at heart. The coming Markethive Boost system is designed to give the entrepreneur a very distinct advantage within our ecosystem. 


The Markethive Boost Difference

The Markethive Boost will not be prone to algorithmic manipulation and will allow you to Boost outside your boundaries as well for a fraction of the cost. As the Markethive Boost evolves, it will become layered to the level you want it delivered (different prices to deliver via hashtags, keywords, most active, number of friends, etc. (But not via private navigation). 

Initially, the Boost will allow you to post on every member’s News Feed for one flat fee for free members and a discounted fee for upgraded Entrepreneur One and Premium members. The standard BOOST prices will be $100 for free members and $50 for upgraded members; however, for the launch, Markethive will offer a first 30 day special that all members may make one Boost post for $20 “All levels.” 

Stay tuned for the big release. 


Markethive Puts The Needs Of Entrepreneurs First

Markethive has infused the power of Inbound Marketing into the News Feed and infused the power of the social network into the Inbound Marketing platform, which means it’s an enhanced Social Network hybrid. It’s where the needs of the entrepreneur, marketer, business, and corporation are not only met but put at the forefront. 

Markethive’s evolutionary and innovative ethos is showcased with the introduction of Markethive’s unique combined news feed interface. Plus, the social market network’s ability to build a massive database management system on the decentralized blockchain with its crypto, Hivecoin, as a native token which is a fungible multi-asset token along with the Markethive Wallet App. All are coming soon.

It already has a large community that is highly engaged, has exceptional traffic, and all the components and the utility that is considered essential for a cryptocurrency to be explosive on the crypto market potentially.

Social + Marketing + Blogging + Video + Curation + Broadcasting + Gamification + Crypto = Markethive

An Epic Ecosystem In The Making

All these elements constitute a powerful and epic ecosystem that will only expand as we move forward with our next-generation multi-media interface. Markethive was built for the Entrepreneur: It’s about looking after the community, the products and projects, the use, and the utility. 

Getting it right, being clever and evolutionary will pay huge dividends in the mid to long term for everyone in the Markethive ecosystem. Markethive is always focused on where we are going and why we are going there in the mission, giving economic sovereignty, privacy, security, free speech, and liberty to all. 

Markethive has built a system that they said could not be done; it’s too big. However, Markethive will always be ahead of the curve, introducing new products, systems, and more innovative ways to facilitate user operations within the social media and marketing environment. The added advantage of a decentralized crypto environment offers the potential for real financial wealth and abundance on every level for its community. 

Join us as we move forward with the next-generation multi-dimensional media platform, Markethive. Welcome to the Entrepreneur’s ecosystem. We are built for Entrepreneurs by Entrepreneurs and are of Entrepreneurs of every caliber. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.



Tuesday, July 13, 2021



While the Markethive Social Market Network continues to work very closely with Cardano with its integration to the Cardano Blockchain, a lot is happening with the many other facets of Cardano and IOG to further establish their presence in this evolving world of technology. Its technology can assist in a new redistribution of power and give people greater freedom, bringing the world together with a more equitable landscape. 

As we anticipate the imminent rollout of Markethive’s multifunction news feed interface, gamification platform, and migration to the Cardano blockchain, I will outline some of the amazing initiatives IOG has set into motion; with the announcement of a historical event and the recognition, Cardano has received of late. This is all wonderfully exciting news putting Cardano at the forefront as one of the fastest-growing, most stable, most mature, and systematic cryptocurrency projects.


What Is IOG? 

Input Output Global, otherwise known as Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK), is a research and development company committed to using the peer-to-peer innovations of blockchain to build accessible financial services for all. The company was founded in 2015 by Charles Hoskinson and Jeremy Wood. IOHK is an engineering company that builds cryptocurrencies and blockchains for academic institutions, government entities, and corporations for the Cardano blockchain.

The first is the Alonzo project, which is essential for Markethive’s smart contracts and many other companies committed to utilizing Cardano services.


The Alonzo Roadmap

The Alonzo roadmap consists of a testnet and is essential for implementing smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain. The different stages of the Alonzo roadmap are color-coded, with Alonzo Blue being the first testnet phase. The initial phase has been deemed very successful, and the Alonzo White phase is set to run by this coming week. 

This stage allows a broader net of testers with the overall goal to integrate the off-chain components within the new stable environment, including the wallet backend. This will also enable partners to test their scripts in a live setting and run for approximately two to four weeks.

Alonzo Purple is the third main stage before the main net when the testnet becomes public. All pioneers and partners start working on their projects, so there will be a step up in users from every stakeholder group load testing the network. This will also see the integration of Daedalus flight wallet and the big exchanges. 

Alonzo Red and Black are a minor factor and can be summarized as a “tidying up” of everything before the mainnet launch. IOG is close to the hard fork combinator at this stage, bringing the Goguen smart contract phase to Cardano.

There's enormous commercial interest, traction, and community effort with Cardano and evident with Alonso Blue, soon to be White. It is also evident with independent projects and how fast they're moving. 

With the launch of Mary earlier this year, Cardano already has enormous traction with tens of thousands of NFT assets issued, worth over $10 million that have been sold. It also brings native assets to the Cardano test network and allows developers to create custom tokens or migrate unique existing projects to Cardano like Markethive Hivecoin and SingularityNET AGIX and are very much aligned with Cardano and Charles Hoskinson’s long-term vision.


Charles Hoskinson Meet Grace is a decentralized global AI marketplace and, together with Hanson Robotics, has created a platform where the world of biotech meets that of AI and robotics. Their vision is to facilitate human-like robots as medical assistants to meet patient health care needs initially in aged care—the Awakening.Health project is on a mission to cure the pains of the medical system and deliver services at a low cost, and helping patients worldwide. 

Meet Grace, the medical assistant robot; she is named Grace as it means Divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification. Watch the video below. 

SingularityNET is also working in Africa to leverage advanced technologies such as AI, blockchain, and machine learning to support African scientists and technologists. 

So there is simply no end to Cardano’s technology and scope, and ability to integrate all aspects of life. Cardano has also seen a tripling in the population size of the community network since last year and a lot of value accumulation as well. Cardano is the number one stake network in the entire cryptocurrency space, with a lot of excitement, activity, and genuine interest in the overall mission of Cardano. 


ADA Welcomed By Grayscales

There is also a lot of institutional interest, and recently Grayscale Investments, the world’s largest crypto asset manager, added Cardano’s ADA to their Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund portfolio. 

According to this report, Grayscale has adjusted the Fund’s portfolio by selling specific amounts of the existing Fund Components in proportion to their respective weightings and using the cash proceeds to purchase Cardano (ADA). This makes ADA the third-largest crypto holding behind Bitcoin and Ethereum.


Vision For Africa Making Headway

Charles Hoskinson’s vision for Africa is making headway with the recent announcement of a historic deal with the government of Ethiopia to bring 5 million young Africans to the Cardano blockchain. This is the most extensive blockchain deployment globally that will give a digital identity to students and teachers. 

Cardano’s technology and Atala PRISM will create a national attainment recording system to verify grades, monitor school performance, and boost nationwide education. This is done by the Atala PRISM decentralized identifiers, or the DID identity solution. 

Atala PRISM is a decentralized identity solution that enables millions of people to own their personal data. Allowing individuals to interact with organizations seamlessly, privately, and securely. It is the key to powering the ‘trust economy’ globally and was developed by Input Output for Cardano.

World Mobile And Cardano

World Mobile’s vision for Africa also aligns with Cardano’s mission: to bank the unbanked. However, first, they must connect the unconnected, which is what World Mobile is doing.

A recently announced partnership between Cardano and World Mobile will lay the infrastructure foundations for a connected Africa, focusing on remote and hard-to-reach areas.  So everyone gets an equal chance to access data services, no matter where they live.  

They are starting with 100k new users in Zanzibar and Tanzania. Also, Atala PRISM identity integration to Cardano means plugging every new mobile user into Cardano, giving them a digital identity, and offering access to insurance, micro-loans, and a host of new services. Cardano will be providing real Defi for real people or, as they like to call it - “RealFi.” 

These events are just the tip of the iceberg and the revolutionary first steps in delivering the all-encompassing strategy for #CardanoAfrica.

The next few months will be exciting as Cardano systematically goes through the Alonzo rainbow leading to the hard fork combinator event. There will be a lot of apps on the network and growing to a vast, vibrant ecosystem. 


All Is Taking Shape; Now It’s Up To Us - We The People 

Nearly three decades ago, the Internet enabled us to improve our lives with the availability and accessibility of information; however, it’s had its problems. As a result, tech giants have enormous power today where we have had to trust these companies leading to abuse of that trust.

Blockchain technology projects like Cardano and the Markethive social market network will bring a new wave of technological disruption on the trust level. They are helping to solve the issues we have in social media and the legacy financial system today. 

The technological revolution will redefine the social contract. It happened with the introduction of the internet, and now it’s happening again because of blockchain. It will give people more power and control over their lives.

Technology is the tool that needs to be adopted by the people. For things to change, the revolution must take place at the social level. Technology alone will not bring about change in society for us. 

All who see the bigger picture of what Cardano and Markethive and many other collaborating partners are doing to connect and unite the world, decentralizing and offering financial, self-sovereignty, and identity, will join us in creating a force for good, liberty, and freedom. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.



Sunday, July 4, 2021



How familiar are you with the ever-evolving crypto phraseology?

Have you ever come across a crypto meme but have no idea what it means? We also see crypto-related news dominating just about every medium on the internet, with cryptocurrency and the technology behind it becoming more prevalent in our global society. But there’s a bit of a language barrier regarding the terms used, and it’s growing as new terminology is invented. 

Considering the Markethive social market network has its Hivecoin as an integral factor at the core of its ecosystem and a source of income for its community, understanding the crypto-specific terms when introducing your referrals to your crypto interests is a good idea and a sign of your expertise, especially to those who haven't dipped their toe into the crypto world as yet. These people are called “no-coiners.” 

So let's define some of the more popular terms, what they mean, and where they originated. Many of you may already know the crypto vernacular, but as I found while researching, there is much more to them. 

Hold On For Dear Life - HODL

I’ll start with the most common cryptocurrency term, HODL, which is considered the acronym for  “Hold On For Dear Life” and has become one of the core philosophies of cryptocurrency investing. HODL means holding on to your cryptocurrency for the long term and paying no attention to the short-term price action. 

The truth is HODL was first introduced on the Bitcointalk forum in December 2013, when user GameKyuubi, with a few whiskeys under his belt, posted about missing the top of Bitcoin’s first bull run. He misspelled the word “holding,” so the post titled “I AM HODLING” quickly became a meme with respondents saying that they too would be HODLing their Bitcoin instead of actively trading it.

The people that HODL are called HODlers, and some intend to hold on to their Bitcoin until a single BTC is worth millions of dollars. Other HODlers intend to HODL until cryptocurrency becomes the new financial standard with Bitcoin as a global store of value. Therefore, see the fiat exchange rate of cryptocurrencies as irrelevant. 

By contrast, people who can't handle huge swings to the upside or downside and sell instead are referred to as “weak hands.” Most of the weak hands are retail investors who are new to cryptocurrency. 

Hodlers have no interest in the volatility and prognostication of pundits. They simply hodl, which helps them to counteract two common destructive tendencies: FOMO (fear of missing out), which can lead to buying high, and FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), which can lead to selling low, which is occasionally referred to as SODLing. 

HODL is most often used when the price of Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency suddenly drops or spikes. So when someone asks if you are selling your crypto when it reaches all-time highs, politely but firmly say that you are hodling. This may leave that person feeling some FOMO.

Fear Of Missing Out - FOMO

FOMO is short for “Fear Of Missing Out,” and in the context of crypto, FOMO is what you feel when you see the price of a coin or token that you don’t have in your portfolio reaching new ATH, which is an acronym for all-time highs.

Interestingly, FOMO is technically classed as social anxiety identified in 1996 by marketing strategist Dr. Dan Herman. It wasn't until 2004 that FOMO was coined by venture capitalist and author Patrick J. McGinnis, who subsequently popularized it in an op-ed he published while studying at the Harvard Kennedy business school. 

If you've ever seen those Facebook ads that tell you there's a limited time to buy any given product, that's FOMO marketing. According to McGinnis, the only thing worse than FOMO is FOBO, or “Fear Of a Better Option.” FOBO is more relevant to no-coiners as it refers to waiting for something better to come along.

Widespread FOMO is also considered by many to be the second last stage of a bull market cycle which is why you see a lot of discussion around retail and institutional FOMO when talking about what's going to drive Bitcoin to its all-time highs. Some believe that measuring this FOMO is how you can time the top of a bull market.


Fear Doubt And Uncertainty - FUD

The opposite of FOMO is FUD which is the abbreviation of  Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. FUD is pretty self-explanatory; it's what you feel when you see the crypto market crashing or see a viral news article about how Bitcoin is dead. People who spread FUD are referred to as fraudsters and of which the corporate media has been guilty. 

In contrast to FOMO, FUD is not social anxiety but a propaganda tactic used exclusively in sales and marketing. Wikipedia notes that FUD is used most in “disinformation related to software, hardware, and technology industries.” 

It was popularized in the 1970s and first used in its common current technology-related meaning by the prominent computer architect Gene Amdahl in 1975 after he left IBM to found his own company, Amdahl Corp.

“FUD is the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that IBM sales people instill in the minds of potential customers who might be considering Amdahl products.”

It makes you wonder what IBM is saying about crypto behind closed doors while shilling their centralized blockchains to hypnotized investors.  Some people believe that big banks and tech giants sponsor a fair chunk of the cryptocurrency FUD you see in the news.

So the next time your no-coiner friend sends you another mainstream article talking about how cryptocurrency is going to be banned by U.S. Regulators, you can tell them that it's nothing more than FUD. A good indicator of this is that if whales and institutions are still buying despite the news, there's no real cause for concern. There are also many free online trading indicators to use to follow the trends.


It’s essential to back up your beliefs about a cryptocurrency using solid facts and statistics; otherwise, you may be at risk of becoming a hopium addict. Hopium is an addiction to false hopes and is a blend of the two words “hope” and “opium.” It’s used to describe a fictional drug to help one stay hopeful in times of stress. 

The term has been used among stock market investors to describe market investors who hold on to failing investments out of false hope, and more recently by Bitcoin investors in a similar way. Hopium was first used in  December of 2010 by Zero Hedge’s Tyler Durden, who published an article criticizing Goldman Sachs for an opinion on the economy. In the piece, Durden uses the term "hopium" to describe Goldman's outlook as one based on false hope.

It has since been used in many investment articles and became a viral meme of Pepe the frog hooked to an oxygen tank labeled “hopium.” Hopium memes grew in popularity due to the 2020 US Election alongside another closely related portmanteau, “copium.” 


Copium is a blend of the words “cope” and “opium.” A user of the Urban Dictionary defined copium as “a metaphorical opiate inhaled when faced with loss, failure or defeat, especially in sports, politics and other tribal settings. 

Although the earliest known use of the word was by rap artist Keak Da Sneak in his 2003 album titled Copium, in 2019, it has become a popular meme with Pepe, the frog and used in various instances as a reaction to any given situation.


Co-host of Unhashed Podcast, Ruben Somsen, is credited with defining what a shitcoin tweeting a shitcoin is “a coin that can be predicted to go to zero because of its flawed fundamentals, its creators and adopters deny all criticism and focus heavily on misleading marketing in order to extract maximum value from new “investors,” saddling them with the inevitable losses.”

Shitcoin was first used in November 2010 by Bitcoin talk user Gavin Andresen. He predicted and quoted that “if Bitcoin really takes off, I can see a lot of get-rich-quick imitators coming on the scene” and notes that shitcoin as being one of these imitator coins.
There are actually two literal shitcoins listed on Etherscan as ERC 20 tokens. Also, the FTX cryptocurrency exchange offers numerous shitcoin index tokens that allow you to “long” or “short” a basket of 58 altcoins. However, some may not agree with all the tokens listed.
According to the Shitcoin Graveyard, all shit coins are destined to become either dead coins or zombie coins. A dead coin is defined as a cryptocurrency project that its team has abandoned, has less than $100 of trading volume per day, and no longer has a functioning website. 
Zombie coins are basically dead coins with relatively high trading volume. Keep in mind that the trading volume you see on many zombie coins is probably fake, especially if it's happening on lesser-known exchanges. It's also worth noting that a cryptocurrency can still be profitable even if it is a shitcoin; just be wary of the risks of investing in these sorts of projects.


Image source 99bitcoins


REKT (or rekt) is internet slang for “wrecked,” meaning severely damaged or utterly destroyed and ruined. The term is usually used among the online gaming community describing a player (or team) that was defeated in an embarrassing or silly way. 

Specifically, when used in the crypto community, rekt often refers to a person who has experienced heavy financial loss due to a wrong trade investment. The term can also refer to the cryptocurrency itself that nosedived in price or a market that dropped significantly, e.g., “the market is rekt.” 

It is, however, worth noting that being REKT and truly losing money are quite different since rekt assets can bounce back. For example, back in early 2018, Bitcoin was rekt, yet it bounced back by year's end in 2020, reaching a new all-time high.

Image source 99bitcoins


Shill has become a popular term in the crypto space and refers to a person who will promote a particular cryptocurrency, typically using baseless information, for their personal gain.  Many crypto projects assign bounties for influencers who “shill” their crypto. A “Shiller” encourages others to invest in a cryptocurrency so that the interest grows, and people buy it, and the price of the coin or token increases.  
The word “shill” didn’t originate in the crypto world. It is commonly used by casinos where collaborators (shillers) are given a stack of chips to play so that the other gamblers don’t have to feel alone in losing.
Shillers are often seen as fraudsters; however, what constitutes a shill is of personal opinion. Sometimes, we can see the use of shilling when a person makes damaging, occasionally false accusations about a specific cryptocurrency. A Shiller may want a competing crypto to fail so that theirs becomes more valuable. 

Pump And Dump

A “pump-and-dump” strategy is a form of market manipulation that has been around long before cryptocurrencies existed. “Pump” happens when a coin or token’s attention and demand in the market goes up, leading to a price increase. Then, everyone “dumps” the cryptocurrency and sells, coupled with a spread of negative emotions towards it. This will result in big waves in the crypto’s value.
Like FUD, pump and dump is another tactic they use to manipulate the sentiments of the crypto market. In many cases, traders artificially inflate the price of cryptocurrencies with the hope of making a quick profit at the expense of other investors. 

A simple rule of thumb to avoid pump-and-dump schemes is that you should never listen to one particular influencer’s opinions about investment decisions or price predictions. Instead, take in as many different views as you can, do your own research (DYOR). Always verify and validate market news and information. 


Airdrop has become a central feature of the cryptocurrency space. It refers to the practice of crypto projects giving away free tokens to the public. This can lead to an increase in the project’s publicity and token circulation. It then gets more people trading it when it lists on an exchange. 

As a marketing strategy, it raises awareness for their offering among the crypto community and generates initial buzz around a crypto project. This creates a win-win scenario because the crypto project gets low-cost (or free) marketing about their project, and you get free crypto tokens. 

An example of a crypto project doing airdrops is Markethive, the next generation social market network, with its infinity airdrops and micropayments. As a member of the Markethive community, whenever you refer someone, you currently receive 500 Hivecoin. 

Also, your referral receives an equal amount upon joining. Once qualified, a member continues to receive micropayments allowing the ability to accumulate coins. Among many other of Markethive’s initiatives, this ultimately creates an entire ecosystem. 


In Closing

There you have it. Just some of the key crypto slang terms, and you’re likely to come across many more, along with new words and acronyms that will find their way into the crypto world as the industry evolves. To check out a few more, visit Cryptocurrency slang is a handy thing to know, and knowing where all these terms came from really highlights just how far the crypto asset class has come. 

HODL is really much more than some whacky acronym that is bandied about. It's symbolic of the sort of mindset and grit you need to have to brave the volatile crypto market. I’m sure we’ve all had weak hands at some point, nor are we immune to FOMO or FUD, but if we keep our head down and focus on the fundamentals, we’ll rise above it. 

There is a saying that goes:

"Where focus goes, energy flows."

If you are focusing on the "crazy" daily fall in your portfolio, it will throw you off and consume you. 

If you decide to focus on the fantastic ways cryptocurrency is transforming our world, you will be content in your investment decisions. 

I hope that being familiar with these terms will help you educate others about cryptocurrency. Of course, knowing the history and law behind them will make the explanation of these terms that much more interesting to your no-coiner friends. 


ecosystem for entrepreneurs


Resources: Coin Bureau, Genesis Block


Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.

The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only and not to be construed to be financial, legal, or investment advice.