Showing posts with label markethive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label markethive. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

MARKETHIVE TUTORIALS - This Is Where It All Starts

MARKETHIVE TUTORIALS - This Is Where It All Starts

For all who have just joined Markethive and are wondering where to start, you’re in the right place right here. We are currently in BETA implementing and upgrading many facets and features of Markethive. While we wait for the Automated Tutorial System to be fully operational, Markethive has three basic steps you should undertake to get you off to a flying start. 
The Three Basic Steps can be found in the blue navigation bar at the top of your home page. Click on HELP or HOME, whichever shows for you. From there you start with the 1st step. Once that is completed, it will be ticked off and you can start on Step 2, and so on. 

You will then be taken to the page shown below...

This is just the start of the new upcoming *Automated Tutorial System in the works at the moment. More steps will be added on the “Start Here” page with videos to guide you along the way. It will be very intuitive and so easy.  
Additionally, you will find the Tutorial Group with many in-depth training videos by Thomas Prendergast, the CEO and main Architect of this next generation social market network, by clicking on Tutorials in the side left menu on your homepage.  

Below is a video giving you a mini-tour of the basics on how to get started.

You will in your own time master the many features of Markethive and will be able to build your success through Reach, SEO ranking and leads associates base one step at a time. There are numerous blogs in the Markethive Blog to increase your knowledge of all the different facets Markethive offers, either as a free member or as an upgraded associate to one of our Loyalty Programs. 

The *Automated Tutorial System In Development Explained

The Markethive Automated Tutorials are designed to make your understanding and command of this platform rewarding, fun and profitable. Each module within this course builds upon the previous course. Courses are delivered in the same order, you would organically approach our Inbound Marketing platform.
The first action after joining Markethive would be to begin this course, the automated tutorial system. Then go directly to Referrals, found in the menu on your Home Page, pretty easy to figure this out. The next module is understanding the home page navigation, then we take you into configuring “branding” your profile page. 
As you progress the Markethive system rewards you with Markethive coin, and achievement scores in your Hive Ranking as well as accolade badges in your profile page. 

You continue through the Tutorial System at one step at a time, each step unlocking the next free marketing tool in the progression. Amazing state of the art comprehensive inbound marketing tools that are available in Markethive does you little good if you do not understand how to use them and how to integrate them into a powerful Inbound Marketing campaign.
  • Your first module regarding the Referral section in the dashboard will quickly accelerate your goal of referring 3 people to your Markethive account, to activate the system's faucet. 
  • Next is how to use the incredible power of the blog system, how it broadcasts to almost all social networks and building massive SEO power. 
  • Then there are campaigns, a management system for building ad co-ops, sorting and rating your advertising, public relations, and marketing 3rd party services, rotators, mini URLs,  backlinking tracking, keywords, etc.
  • Next comes understanding the power of the Markethive autoresponders’, setting them up, ranking them, broadcasting to your lead groups and tracking previous mail-out campaigns.
  • Following is setting up Groups, their self-replication power, with autoresponders, funnel pages, PDFs and Videos. Ranking and rewarding your members.
  • In preparation for the Capture Pages comes setting up your lead pages, then comes learning how to build capture pages, the widgets, customized pages, unique domains and learning to navigate the hundreds of page design options.
Remember, each module you complete, another coin payment to your money clip is made, another accolade is added to your profile page and another tool is activated and made available to as well as added to your Social ranking.
  •  Next comes your video platform set up, then we finish up with a tour of your settings area and concluding with the Social accounts, Bounty program, and login configuration.

Once completed, the inbound marketing tools in Markethive are available for you for free for life. Your status as a graduate of the Tutorials system will be yours as well for life. You need a place to start, you will know how to build an Inbound Marketing campaign when you graduate here, you will be a pro at this.

Markethive Delivers

Markethive is delivering a dynamic social network, integrated with Inbound Marketing (SAAS), numerous commerce platforms, multiple traffic portals, all built on the blockchain, delivering a complete ecosystem for Entrepreneurs. Using the latest technology, it provides privacy, security and prosperous solutions for all business owners, marketers who require an online presence.
It is a secure private system, that does not leverage, steal or track you. You can simply use it just like a social network. Or you can command it to build an empire. Markethive will always endeavor to continuously improve your user experience. 

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Will Blockchain be The Answer To An unequal Marketing Environment ?

Will Blockchain be The Answer To An unequal Marketing Environment ?

More and more people are looking for online solutions and opportunities as they realize this is where it’s at when it comes to either creating an income or advertising their business. It can be overwhelming and a real challenge when getting started and the utter extent and scale of the types of marketing available ranging from SEO, search engine marketing (SEM), social media, Inbound marketing, email marketing to native advertising, otherwise known as paid ads or sponsored posts. 
It has become a real jungle out there, and the growth in online marketing over the last five years has been substantial. The statistics of what is trending say; 
  • 61% of marketers believe growing SEO or organic presence is a high priority of inbound marketing. 
  • Businesses earn an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on Adwords. 
  • Businesses that show up on the first page of search results get 92% of consumer traffic. 
  • Google has a 92.78% search engine market share as of October 2019
Search Engine Optimization can be relatively cost-free, however, it produces lower-ranking results due to slow optimization. As more companies are vying to be in the first five of the first page in the search results, many of them are going to paid search options. With PPC (pay per click) there is an opportunity to get on the first page within a day as the strengths of paid search are its speed and expansiveness. The cost can reach into the thousands, especially if a professional firm is hired to manage it full time which arguably is the recommended way to go for optimized brand exposure.  
With more people opting for these services, there is more likely to be extreme risks involved. It’s opening the doors for more data breaches which are happening more often and with an increasing number of users’ records acquired by potentially dangerous and unscrupulous entities. Hackers are continuing to find new ways to access databases and the companies who manage these records display little confidence in their ability to protect first-party data. 

How Can Blockchain Help The Marketing Industry?

The online space, on the whole, is improving with the advent of Blockchain technology. Many industries are utilizing the blockchain to improve performance and align their objectives including marketing companies. Marketing strategies and entities like Google Ads, Facebook or any other ad companies for that matter are supposed to help businesses bring traffic and increase lead generation, however, a big issue is the black hat SEO practitioners have infiltrated the industry and have created ad frauds as a significant source of revenue. 

What’s The Difference Between White And Black Hat SEO?

White Hat and Black Hat SEO are both known elements of the SEO industry. These deliver services that are either the right side or the wrong side of what is considered to be ethical. White hat plays by the rules taking a slower, labor-intensive approach to boost search rankings. Black hat SEO companies often use shifty tactics to trick the search engines into providing higher rankings.

With blockchain technology comes transparency and immutability which eradicates ad fraud and the possibilities of fake click-through rates and bot-driven traffic. Synonymous with the reasons why we now have cryptocurrency, the important and vital advantage of blockchain is to bring transparency to the advertising world. The superiority of blockchain technology and the immutability or tamper-proof characteristic of the distributed ledger system will bring genuine players making an ecosystem of fairness and opportunity with the tools, counter black hat SEO techniques, and fake user eradication. Here are 4 attributes...

Market Transparency

The fact that Blockchain is an encrypted, decentralized database of distributed and interlaced nodes, it is suited and can be integrated into all forms of digital marketing. It can solve many issues that come with digital marketing, such as data privacy, security and content monetization. Companies cannot manipulate data so users can feel at ease as the Blockchain data is transparent. 

Consumers Regain Control Of Their Information

Marketing companies will no longer be able to extract customer’s information without their permission. It will be a case of earning their consent. There are some blockchain data companies now paying consumers for the use of their contact information and attention. Killi is one App that launched in May 2019 paying users for their data. Every transaction occurs through blockchain, which solves the compliance challenge inherent in regulation such as GDPR or California's Consumer Privacy Act with regards to securing data, the company says. Users, meanwhile, have a full record of who exactly has purchased their data. This gives the consumers full control of their information. 
Brandon Galindo, an account manager at eMarketer, says he downloaded the Killi app partly because of privacy concerns. "Right off the bat you're asked to insert your identity, phone number, allow persistent location and enable Advertising ID," he says regarding his experience in signing up. "Brands can reach out to you, but it is so much more transparent; I'm the one that is asking for this and I am the one who is allowing you to have my data."

Security Benefits And Data Protection

With meticulous data protection regulations like the GDPR, marketing companies can leverage blockchain technology to store huge volumes of client data securely. Furthermore, due to the regulatory agreement of the GDPR, it will require marketers to acquire consent which can also be managed on the blockchain. The integration of blockchain technology will change online marketing as it offers incomparable benefits for marketers in terms of performance, security, and transparency with enormous possibilities. End-users will have more control over what companies can send information to them and companies will more easily be held accountable for their actions and lack of transparency. 

The Marketing Intermediaries Eliminated

Without blockchain, if a company wants to offer banner advertisements on its website it has to do so through Google AdSense so that no unethical businesses will take over your ad space. This is where Google processes the transaction and charges a fee for its part in the deal. Companies won’t have the need to go through a third-party platform such as Google with the blockchain structure. That’s because blockchain users can be verified through their networks. People would know they’re getting what they’re paying for as opposed to potentially paying for clicks that aren’t genuine.
The other thing to consider is the rising percentage of zero-click searches on Google. That means Google is displaying the answers to many queries on the SERP so there is no need for a user to click on any displayed links, thereby reducing the traffic to other content or websites. Some have said, the rise in zero-click searches which was at 50.3% in June 2019, maybe another indicator of Google abusing its power as a huge portion of clicks are going to Google’s own sites. 

So basically, Google has gone from being everyone’s search engine to everyone’s competitor. If you’re a marketer that relies heavily on Google, there are still opportunities where you can pretty much bypass the search engines and grow your brand and presence outside of search.

Many marketers depend totally on SEO in their business so they need to be aware of the issues that may be causing the drops and lower-ranking, and what is now available to them, or they may well continue to lose traction. As more consumers become blockchain savvy and companies start to integrate it into their operations, it will change the digital marketing world as we know it. It will become less expensive achieving better results and the novice marketer and small business will be able to compete. 

Community Is Key

This is where a hybrid Market Network can take the reign and run with it. Markethive, with its new blockchain technology mixed with traditional Inbound Marketing, Commerce, Social Networking, and Digital Media, is not reliant on Google search engines or any other for that matter. SEO is a secondary consideration. It builds its own society and its traffic is contingent on the Markethive membership driving more traffic in, due to the nature of its platform, what it has to offer, the viral aspect and rewards system in place. Just one of the attractions is that Markethive is not dependent upon Google.

What Is Markethive? 

Markethive with its deep level linking dynamics is a multi-dimensional, social organizational integrated system. Integrating Vast Social networks reaches, internal social network connections, unlimited interconnected Wordpress blogs, the vast API news sites like NBC, Wired Magazine, Bloomberg, Western journal, Mashable and 1000s of other news sites, that continue to expand due to the power of your own Markethive network and the collaboration of separate Markethive groups all working in union with each other. 
The ability to register and assign your many social networks into the Markethive matrix produces a reach literally into the billions. Markethive is an upcoming Market Media and Content Publisher offering Press Releases and Sponsored Articles at a negligible cost and with a reach well beyond existing social and market networks. After comparing 480 other news media sites with regards to their social reach and followers and Alexa ranking, Markethive sits within the top 5 with an Alexa ranking of 11,436 at the time of writing. This continues to drop daily as subscribers flock to join the Markethive network. 

Blockchain Technology and the cryptocurrency sphere have enabled businesses to align themselves with the users’ need and right to be in control of their data and how they use their time to monetize their efforts. Markethive, with their mandate being the rise of the entrepreneur and the fall of the tyrannies that plague society was created by a visionary who saw this coming and much needed to empower marketers, create equality and universal income to enrich society on every level. 
Visionary, Founder and CEO, Thomas Prendergast, says Markethive is...
 “Marketing that is so effective it’s like printing your own money.” 

Markethive has built a system on the Blockchain to empower the Entrepreneur, offering privacy, freedom of speech and importantly, autonomy.  With its valuable Inbound Marketing system, integrated within a Social media platform, loyalty and bounty programs, Banner Exchange & placement, with multiple Commerce portals, Storefronts, Blogging platform, and Digital Media Platforms offering Press Releases and Sponsored Articles. These tools and integrated platforms are either free to use or at a fraction of the cost of other companies.
All of this on a blockchain foundation, which above all the other benefits, allows Markethive to pay its members to engage on the platform. This includes free members as well as those who have upgraded to Entrepreneur 1.
Thanks to blockchain, the soon to be released Markethive wallet and cryptocurrency exchange will then allow Markethive members to either convert and withdraw their earnings or buy products and services offered by members within the Markethive ecosystem. 


Markethive, 20 years in the making has had the forward-thinking and tenacity to integrate the latest technology to deliver a complete ecosystem for anybody aspiring to work online. With the precarious actions and monopolizing tactics we are now witnessing to what was a lucrative and fair system to gain traffic and exposure, it’s obvious we need to do things differently and bypass the monopolies. There are now genuine opportunities to make your mark online as well as reap rewards and prosper. 
What is being realized is the need for a community-driven ecosystem, with a collaborative mindset that offers a broad spectrum of services that cover all niches, and offers Universal Income for all. Anyone with a passion and looking for a presence online, and a fair and equitable opportunity to attain financial freedom and prosperity, be it commercial artists, writers, bloggers, vloggers, merchants, and entrepreneurs. In fact anyone from any background. Markethive is for the people and by the people. In essence, it gives the power back to the people.

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Deb Williams 
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Markethive | State of the Art Market Network

What Is A Market Network? 

Back in 2015, it was exhibited that the next 10 years would be all about Market Networks whereas the last decade was focused on Social Networks. There were a few companies mentioned that were deemed to be market networks and essentially had the key factors of a market network and what it is purported to be. However, since then we have gone next level with blockchain technology. But has any of those market networks actually adopted this new and beneficial technology?

So what exactly is a Market Network?

 A market network is a combination of a marketplace and a social network that includes SaaS which helps the individuals in the market network to work with customers and other service providers to build relationships rather than just quick transactions we experience on eBay or Amazon. 
Marketplaces are essentially about selling your product or service even though reviews of goods purchased by the customer are there to guide potential customers’ purchasing decisions. However, marketplaces are predominantly where buyers and sellers meet for one-off transactions. Typically, marketplaces are an accumulation of sellers. 

We all know what social networks are. Over the last 15 years, most of us have participated in Facebook or Linked to communicate with people and build relationships for whatever reason. However, commerce is not the core objective of social networks. 

SaaS (Software as a Service) are business applications, including email and collaboration, customer relationship management (CRM), billing/payroll processing, sales management, human resources management, financial management, database management, enterprise resourcing planning (ERP), content management, and document editing and management.
So what we had was two separate places for your online presence and commerce. A marketplace to sell stuff, and a social network to build relationships. The SaaS doesn’t exist on these platforms, that’s separate and an added expense for business owners and marketers.
But what if you provide a service that is more involved than a simple buy-sell transaction. On top of that, what if you need collaboration with other professionals in your industry to form a team to provide a complete service?
Well, that’s what market networks are all about. In the market network, you are a service provider, but also a person with a profile, with history, reviews, score, etc. You can team up with other people to provide a complex service to a customer and channel the workflow through a SaaS solution.

How Does Blockchain Fit Into The Market Network Model? 

To be successful in online branding and operating a business in the ever-expanding internet world, you must maintain your profile in many networks, social and market. It’s difficult to effortlessly scale your reputation from one network to a different one. They are pretty much isolated from each other and they can’t communicate with each other, nor do they really want to because they generally belong to someone. And it so happens that “someone” is never the community that brings value to the platform.  It’s not easy for a centralized market network to diversify among service providing platforms and it takes a lot of effort to build and maintain individual profiles that you can only use in an isolated network. 
What if your online identity always belonged to you, not a service or platform? And also, the reputation of your branding was maintained by the network and that network also belonged to you? In other words, a decentralized reputation that would enable you to plug into any other centralized network. You see, when your reputation is decentralized, the entire digital space becomes your network. 
Blockchain is the ultimate framework or infra-structure tool that gives individuals true ownership of their digital selfhood and reputation. It creates self-sovereignty.  

Decentralization In The Marketplace

Decentralization has many features that are beneficial for industries and users around the world. Reduced fees, increased efficiencies, removal of biased agendas and tiers of corruption and greed.
There have been companies like Airbnb and Uber that introduced a new era allowing people to rent out and monetize items. Or eBay and Etsy allowed people to sell products online and Upwork and Fiverr helped freelancers to sell their services. At this stage, these companies are all centralized and very linear with no collaboration between them.

Enter Blockchain.

A decentralized marketplace allows for true peer-to-peer transactions without centralized authorities taking their fees. This is made possible through blockchain technology and smart contracts. We no longer need the trusted third party verifying sellers and ensuring payments. 

Decentralization In Social Media

The traditional social media platforms are losing their edge, and their users have taken a massive beating. While some have given up on their social media world completely because it’s affecting their psychological well-being, some have become very disappointed with the fact that the benefit of their work was being passed onto the site more than them or their hard work has been deleted by centralized authorities due to hidden agendas. 
If this wasn’t enough, user data, which is meant to be confidential, is being made available in the open market, with governments, advertising companies and more having access to it. This has made users apprehensive about sharing personal details of their lives.

Enter Blockchain

Blockchain is going to transform the user experience in social media networking. These are important factors like the users’ information is encrypted on the blockchain network, so the privacy of data is maintained. Also, a platform can offer monetary compensation and loyalty programs for any and all activity performed by the user. Imagine producing viral content on the platform and getting paid for it? This does not happen on traditional social media, fast becoming a product of drama, agendas, and antiquity.  
There are upcoming platforms that are classed as social media on the blockchain whereby you can monetize your blogs, some even have a messaging app integrated, but it stops there. Imagine a complete Market Network as described above that is decentralized, pluggable, and portable which are key components and that have the capabilities to have your marketing, blogging, Storefronts, in fact, all your branding goes viral across all platforms in the internet space?

Enter Markethive - Embracing Blockchain Technology 

Markethive is a social marketplace, digital media platform for entrepreneurs that have the combined power of Facebook/LinkedIn, Marketo/Hubspot and Amazon/eBay along with Crypto News Sites like Cointelegraph/ Delivering a dynamic social network, integrated with Inbound Marketing (SAAS), numerous commerce platforms, storefronts coupled with augmented reality, and multiple traffic portals, built on the blockchain.

Does It Pay?

Markethive is a next-generation Market Network and the first to adopt blockchain technology that has positioned itself as a complete ecosystem for Entrepreneurs. Using the latest technology, it provides prosperous solutions for all business owners, marketers who require an online presence. Including Markethive’s own Coin (MHV) and Crypto Exchange for ease of liquidity as well as purchasing products and services within the Markethive ecosystem.
Creating a “Universal Income” for entrepreneurs, Markethive is delivering an infinity airdrop incentive to new subscribers, Bounty, and Loyalty programs and has set up the entire system with faucet like or micropayment rewards for using the system, including “Tips” instead of “Likes” This means the whole system is monetized for the benefit of all users. The income potential is huge and the MHV Coin ensures that all users will earn money for everything they do in Markethive.

So What Do You Get?

Markethive's functionalities include SEO features, Analytics, Customer Management System, Traffic Portals, Capture Page and Lead Creation, Profile Page, Resume, E-commerce portals, Video Conferencing, Blogging PlatformMessaging, Press Release, and Sponsored Article distribution, Banner Program and much more. Also included are significant training tutorials and weekly live support meetings, with a step by step automated tutorial system in the works.
Inbound Marketing is a key component of Markethive’s embodiment. Markethive plugs into all Social Media, simplifying your marketing efforts, with automated email campaigns allowing for lead flow into your designated business. Markethive incorporates collaboration building relationships within the community. 
Did I mention that the inbound marketing component is free to use while being rewarded with MHV? The only thing that is more rewarding beyond your wildest dreams is the loyalty program which enables you to profit from all facets of the Markethive system including receiving dividends from the company’s net profits. It basically means you as part of the Markethive community own a piece of Markethive, unlike the centralized companies with their venture capitalists and shareholders.


The potential of what the blockchain offers is extremely exciting. And although we are seeing some companies integrating the blockchain as they see what it can do for them and the world holistically, large scale adoption may still take some time. However, the unconventionality of this next-level technology shouldn’t deter marketers, business owners, entrepreneurs, in fact, anyone with a social or marketplace profile from embracing this new protocol given that it offers people many advantages in the form of transparency, security, anonymity, and performance with the added benefit of self-sovereignty. 
In the next article, we will explore Inbound Marketing and blockchain. Stay tuned… 

Post source :

ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Deb Williams 
A Crypto/Blockchain enthusiast and a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech. I embrace "change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Markethive Hive Rank Explained

Markethive’s Hive Rank calculates the amount of work you do and the results of the work accomplishes with the interactivity it causes within the Markethive system. 

How Is The Hive Rank Activated

First of all, to activate the Ranking system you must have at least three referrals registered to Markethive through you. Doing this activates the Hive Ranking system, tracking your engagements which includes activities such as commenting on posts, following people, subscribing to blogs, messaging, joining groups, tipping, etc. 
Also, productions including writing or curating blogs, posting, creating capture pages, capture widgets, setting up autoresponders, creating groups, etc. All of these assigns various calculated values to determine your score. These values have a  half-life which means depending on your activity, they will diminish which causes your score to fluctuate. 
Scores can reach into the thousands, depending on how consistently active you are on the platform, along with your utilization of the inbound marketing tools at your disposal and marketing efforts. High scores can also increase faucet earnings, Infinity Bounty awards, achieving Super Status and becoming qualified to achieve the coveted Royal Bee of the Day. This has great benefits which I will discuss later. 

The Key 

It’s not just what you do within the Markethive Platform, your Hive Rank is also driven up by the engagement you receive when you post or market your blogs and/or capture pages. If your content gets a response and a lot of traffic coming to your site that also increases your hive rank. For example, when you create a capture page and promote anywhere on the internet, that capture page will, in turn, drive your Hive Rank numbers up.  So it’s not just what you do within Markethive, your hive ranking score increases due to the results of what you do. 
The key is to be active and consistent with all that Markethive offers to achieve these generous rewards which can only increase your universal income within the Markethive Ecosystem. 
Notably, there are limits to certain activities.  For example, you can’t produce 10 blogs with one line of content on any given day just for the sake of increasing your score. The system will limit you to 2 blogs a day. You can publish as many blogs as you wish, however it won’t affect your hive ranking. So, in essence, the system cannot be gamed. 
Like a credit score of your activity and actions, Markethive monitors actions you conduct and rates then into an algorithm to display a rank level commensurate with your activity, engagement, and behavior. 

Super Status - Royal Bee Of The Day

Royal Bee which is Level 6 on the hive rank score is the highest one can achieve. The trick is to stay there. One of the benefits is you will be given the accolade of “Royal Bee For The Day”. This achievement can only be acquired once every 30 days. While you reign in this esteemed position for the day, you will receive all the new signups into Markethive for that day produced by the Markethive Marketing Department. That means as an Entrepreneur Upgrade, you will also receive the 500 coin matching bonus for each verified registration. Faucet or  Micropayments will also be increased for any activity performed.  
Not to despair! Those who are a free member can still achieve the status of Royal Bee For The Day. This will put you in Entrepreneur Upgrade status for the day and you’ll receive the same rewards accordingly. As a rule of thumb, you do not receive the matching bonus, as a free member, however, the associates you acquire through the system will be held for you as your associates and if you decide to upgrade within the first 30 day period you will be paid a 100% of the matching bonus of 500 coins. This also has a half-life as illustrated in the image below.   

Markethive Has Got You Covered 

Markethive has got you covered with an excellent gamification system that produces real income. It also enhances the building of your business with Markethive services and makes it fun and rewarding! There are many other platforms that are gamified, however, it is all in-house. You are rewarded with points or credits only. This only allows you to use those credits within that certain platform for advertising your brand, which otherwise would cost you money to do so. Markethive being the complete ecosystem built on the Blockchain, with its own Exchange (in development) Crypto Coin (MHV), mining hives and products for sustainability will provide you with universal income and the liquidity to use that income. 
This is the next generation of all things social media and marketing. So “get with the program” and conduct your business and online activities with a system that truly rewards you so that you may have the success and create wealth that will surpass any other social media platform out there today.  

Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 

Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Future Of Online Marketing and Social Networking - MARKETHIVE

What Is Markethive?

Markethive is a Market Network, a hybrid: part social network, part marketplace, part SaaS with a News and Press Release Site built in. 

  • Social Network. An online service or site comprised of a connected interpersonal network of individuals, such as friends, acquaintances, and coworkers. Social networks are designed to connect people with others who are a part of the network. This environment nurtures the building of relationships, providing the necessary stepping stones for the growth of “virtual online communities”. Social networking websites offer the ability to stay connected with existing friends, plus opportunities to meet new people.

    Think of a social network as a dedicated website or other application that enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc. Think of a social network as a 360-degree spherical connection where individuals can share personal information with others in their own network. Some networks even offer private messaging services to provide the ability for real-time communication between members or the ability to leave messages privately.

    As a general rule social networks are not particularly business-oriented or commerce-friendly by design.
  • Marketplace. The term market comes from the Latin Mercatus ("market place"). A marketplace is a location where people regularly gather for the purchase and sale of goods and services. Marketplaces allow for transactions between multiple buyers as well as multiple sellers. A marketplace is an arena of competitive or commercial dealings; the world of trade.

    Fast forward to the realm of the Internet of Things (IoT), and now a marketplace is more commonly seen and represented as highly accessible, streamlined commercial transactions being conducted electronically on the Internet, with an outreach that has no boundaries or limits.

    An online marketplace literally has the ability to expand the borders of even a local business to that of a nationwide outreach, or even worldwide exposure. With the advent of computers, the internet and networking, anyone can do business 24/7 from the comfort of their home or from anywhere, provided they have a computer, laptop, tablet, SmartPhone, and WiFi.
  • SaaS Tool. SaaS tools are for making your job easier. SaaS is the modern way to run the software and integrated tools to enhance, leverage and assist the subscribers’ success to achieve targeted goals within the construct of a particular sphere. Software as a service is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. It is sometimes referred to as "on-demand software”. Reduces complexity, helps to keep pace with innovation, and provides access to experts for support to provide a clear path for your day-to-day tasks and projects.

    One of the most popular forms of cloud computing is SaaS, defined as a software distribution model in which a service provider hosts applications for customers and makes them available to these customers via the internet. The era of installing software from a CD or from a data center’s server is coming to a close, as Internet-delivered software makes applications available anywhere, anytime.

Just as brick and mortar businesses have been and still are falling by the wayside to make room for much bigger and better ways in which to do business online without borders, traditional social networks will need to either evolve into being much more business- and commerce-friendly or get left behind.

Technology, Visionaries, Progress pave the way

In today's economic and technological cultures, what had been seen previously as traditional jobs and long-term employment are now things of the past. Statistics have shown that employees and laborers now work on average for only 4 years or less. More and more, the faces of this new paradigm shift are Entrepreneurs. Reid Hoffman founder of LinkedIn is quoted as saying, "All human beings are entrepreneurs."

Hence, the impetus for designing a platform that will ultimately create real Universal Income that is available for everyone. Essentially that means giving every single person, skilled or unskilled, an avenue and a purpose to get up in the morning and apply themselves every day where they will achieve an income that will grow and eventually give them the autonomy and financial success whether it be through a service they provide, a business they are marketing or a passion they are pursuing. Therefore not worrying or relying upon a job market that is in the decline, but looks forward to retirement and fulfillment on every level. 
It should be noted that Universal [basic] Income has become a new focus of elites, such as Elon Musk. However, this has a different meaning to what I’m talking about here. Although the reason for this topic does affect us which gives rise to the possibility where autonomy, time and financial freedom is an opportunity at hand with Markethive’s Universal Income. [and it’s far from “Basic”]

Attributes of a Successful Market Network.

If you recall from history, back in the days of the Gold Rush, it turned out to be those who provided the tools and resources for the miners who benefited the most financially.

In a Market Network, a many-to-many transaction pattern is key. A Market Network often starts by enhancing a network of professionals that exists offline. Many of them have probably been transacting with each other for years using various offline methods of doing business: phone calls, fax, checks, and overnight packages. When moving all these connections and transactions into software, the creation of a Market Network makes it much easier for professionals to operate their businesses and for clients to get far better service.
  • Market Networks target more complex services. The highest value services are neither simple nor normally objectively judged. They can be more involved and longer term. Market Networks are designed for these types of services.
  • People matter. A Market Network is designed to acknowledge that as a core tenet while providing the best possible solution.
  • Collaboration happens around a project. The SaaS at the center of Market Networks focuses the action on a project that can take days, months or even years to complete.
  • Market Networks help build long-term relationships. For years, social networks like LinkedIn and Facebook have helped build long-term relationships. However, until Market Networks, they hadn’t been used for commerce and transactions.
  • Referrals flow freely. The Market Network software is designed to make referrals simple and more frequent.
  • Market Networks increase transaction velocity and satisfaction. The Market Network grows the closing ratios on proposals and expedites the payment process. The software also raises customer satisfaction scores, reduces miscommunications, and makes the work appealing, with outstanding results.


Starting NOW, there will be many more forward-thinking entrepreneurs stepping forward, with their sights set upon creating increasingly innovative, highly synchronized business models and solutions to doing business in the 21st century and beyond. Those who will be most successful will not only keep up with the speed at which technology continues to change, but they will align themselves ahead of the curve at all times.

Markethive built on the Blockchain with its own coin has made this whole system immutable, transparent, private and autonomous. This is the next generation in Social and Market Media. 
The potential payoff is predicted to be huge. Market Networks like Markethive will have a massive positive impact on how millions of people work and live, and how hundreds of millions of people buy and sell better services. 

Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals.